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Posted by Simply Nate on 11-28-2002 03:46 AM:

So whats makes this one so much more proper than the others???

Posted by neatz on 11-28-2002 03:53 AM:

queer vcdz that just explains it.. omg i cant believe it....

blurry blurry blurry need i say more has to be dube of ftf couse
aspect ratio ant right its not streatched right i swear cube has a bit more waight then that

Posted by Four_2o on 11-28-2002 03:56 AM:

Looks Pretty good (from the jpegs)...getting a sample right now and I think the AR looks a bit off. crisp colours and ok sound a bit hollow. Time lapse....Just watched sample and I stick with either this release or a-team's ...I prefer WS ...To each his own...This one is worth the BW so l33ch on. Maybe this will be the last release b4 a DvdRip.

Droppin in from a large ass ISP.....only cause I like the power.


1337 TRU3D4T


Posted by oqwarrior on 11-28-2002 04:02 AM:

Only good thing about this release is that it is 1 CD. Otherwise, it really suX. I will stick w/ FTF's release.

Posted by CerealKid on 11-28-2002 04:03 AM:

FTF's is really really great... i don't think that there was a need for this release .. but to all his own..


Posted by Klonin on 11-28-2002 04:06 AM:

When is the "Proper" bullshit going to end..........quess the DVD will come out as a "PROPER"

enough is enough


Posted by CaNaDa_SuXAZz on 11-28-2002 04:10 AM:

this is a travesty of justice.... stop pease and allow FTF to bask in their glory of one nice looking movie.. that they released...

vote: 1 - n/a - 8

Posted by realized on 11-28-2002 04:11 AM:


there is no proper reason cause QvD hasn't even seen the ftf release, they grabbed a shitty silver vcd and ripped it and labled it proper in hopes of becoming another lame group (like A-team)

good try but
1) all propers need a reason
2) Propers are usually better then the prevous

Posted by Tyrant on 11-28-2002 04:17 AM:


This is a total waste of everyones time!!! This should never have been released, it shouldnt have even been done to begin with!!! The FTF version was really nice and I think that was all that was needed until a DVD Rip comes along or maybe even a screener. But this here: PATHETIC ATTEMPT!!!!

Posted by JcM AkA ViPER on 11-28-2002 04:24 AM:

one question, .....

is this actually being accepted on sites??, if so HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .................................. LMFAO

My EDIT : What is a real proper?. is that like a proper of a proper, or sum dumb shit like that..

Posted by devilbeast on 11-28-2002 04:25 AM:

rediculous. PERIOD.

Posted by crapper on 11-28-2002 04:29 AM:

ahh this is poor work..
i got no other words for it..

STAY AWAY FROM THIS.. the previous ts was good and the best till now..
this is bad ar.. and well just bad.. colors are funny..
poor work..

Posted by opso on 11-28-2002 04:42 AM:

QVD = Gayteam(Ateam) I thought we all learned that?

Just another lame proper attempt.

Posted by aaron on 11-28-2002 05:05 AM:

This so pathetic, that I'm at a loss for words. What is the VCD scene coming to?

Posted by Driven on 11-28-2002 05:10 AM:

Even shit thinks this is shit

Posted by Ibegoat on 11-28-2002 05:30 AM:

I have to agree with everyone there was no point to this release, I just grabbed it and the aspect ratio is way off. For even releasing this QVD should be shot. No question stick with FTF's rls because its much better!

Posted by Squirell on 11-28-2002 05:33 AM:

Releases such as this one should not even be posted on the board. Complete waste of time when FTFs release was more then adequate for this movie until a screener is available.

Posted by neatz on 11-28-2002 05:35 AM:

you guys need to learn qvd ant ateam lmao....

Posted by phate on 11-28-2002 05:36 AM:

puhleeeez. gtfo and never return.

awful release...."REAL PROPER" my ass.

FTF's was fine......maybe QvD should actually check the other releases before they think that their "proper" should be released.

Posted by mwadley on 11-28-2002 05:50 AM:

This is the proper way to get voted for the worst release this year!

Posted by killerman on 11-28-2002 06:08 AM:

gay ppl

i really dont think this was such a bad release for a first timer, how come everyone fucken flames every new group that do theyre best, alot of fuckers that dont know shit here on the forums, very dissapointing;\

ftf is pretty good , but hell if they were good at the start,
go on all new groups dont give up just cuz some lamers say so ,
groups dont need respect from brats

Posted by Tyrant on 11-28-2002 06:11 AM:

Originally posted by neatz
you guys need to learn qvd ant ateam lmao....

Ok how bout this: neatz=A-Team Memeber....LMAO!!! DOnt deny it!!!

Posted by rec0de on 11-28-2002 06:20 AM:

and the point to this rls is???

Posted by AeroB on 11-28-2002 06:28 AM:

my input "HA"

Posted by brr8760 on 11-28-2002 06:57 AM:

Some thoughts on this release:

1) It's kinda nice not to see "Python 2" at the top of the release list anymore.

2) We should give out awards for best release, best proper, best dvd rip, best group, etc. I nominate this release for a "golden raspberry."

3) I'm glad this is a REAL proper. I'd hate to see what these people would have done with a fake proper.

4) Gosh, I can't believe Centr0py has fallen so far. Oh wait, this is from "QvD". My bad.

November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.

Posted by nutcasenelson on 11-28-2002 07:18 AM:

a proper

wow a proper with out explaining why there was a need for the proper. follow the rules.

Posted by moviebootlegger on 11-28-2002 07:58 AM:

"man this release is awesome" is what i would say if it were actually good. THIS IS SHITTY SHIT SHITY SHIT

Posted by im_scifi on 11-28-2002 08:12 AM:

Originally posted by opso
QVD = Gayteam(Ateam) I thought we all learned that?

Just another lame proper attempt.

Was the A-Team proper of Harry shitty ? ok if this group is hiding under that name so? that HP2 was better than others posted but this shit ? WOW - I get the equal opportunity in America for jobs but man when there are plenty of other copies of something out noone needs to even know this crap exists ! Waste of space right there

Posted by revolution-x on 11-28-2002 08:29 AM:


this rls is not by far as bad as u guys are makin out u need to check the movie before u comment it is actually decent quality

Posted by Nealo on 11-28-2002 08:35 AM:

some of u guys are really stupid u thin you know anything abou this group, O look its the a team what lamer bullshit it is some of u guys are fuckwits do a little research before u jump to conclusions ps it was a bad realease but its not 2.2,2.2


Posted by opso on 11-28-2002 08:48 AM:

Hrm we all know QVD is ran by some guy named playa and same as Ateam ran by playa OBUS ran by playa

shitty Releases = QVD
Semi Releases = OBUS
The Better of them all(Not saying any are good) = Ateam

Posted by desertboy on 11-28-2002 11:06 AM:

Angry Incorrect saying

Originally posted by CerealKid
FTF's is really really great... i don't think that there was a need for this release .. but to all his own..

To each his own or each to his own depending where you're from certainly not to all his own.

You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.

Posted by ScabbyDoo on 11-28-2002 11:08 AM:

i think propers should not be disignated by the group, except by the nukers and the ppl on this site, that would stop groups releasing as proper because they got it out later. just my 2 cents

Posted by djkoolaide on 11-28-2002 03:19 PM:

sorry QvD, try again

Posted by rappa on 11-28-2002 03:57 PM:

Originally posted by im_scifi

Was the A-Team proper of Harry shitty ? ok if this group is hiding under that name so? that HP2 was better than others posted but this shit ? WOW - I get the equal opportunity in America for jobs but man when there are plenty of other copies of something out noone needs to even know this crap exists ! Waste of space right there

Actually the A-team harry was pretty fucking shiity, the pic was mad blurry and it was ugly fs. I bet all of you judged from jpeg as the sample was a piece of shit.

RoLL That Shit
Smoke That Shit
Pass That Shit

Posted by on 11-28-2002 04:28 PM:

Originally posted by opso
Hrm we all know QVD is ran by some guy named playa and same as Ateam ran by playa OBUS ran by playa

shitty Releases = QVD
Semi Releases = OBUS
The Better of them all(Not saying any are good) = Ateam

this is a lame and stupid post. i have no idea whether what you're saying is true or not, but use your fucking head: if you do know the nick of some group head, keep it to yourself. or for god's sake at least don't go posting it on every public web board that you're trying to look l33t on. think about somebody besides yourself.

this goes as well for some of you idiots i've seen posting details about watermarks you've noticed, or serial numbers, or other identifying media. so the group missed an identifying mark in a screener encode... it's lame of them, and they should have been more careful. but wtf, why do some people feel the need to highlight the fact in a public forum, call attn to it just in case the mpaa or fbi or whomever happened to overlook it? "yeah, this release flashes "xyz blah blah" at the part in the movie where (somebitch) was just telling (that bastage) that he was thru with him... and {somegroup's} scr of {whatever also said "xyz blah blah"... so they obviously came from the same source"...

... yeah yeah, you're fxn l33t0r mofo, we're all suitably impressed. now, stfu & quit backstabbing groups who release the stuff you d/l, just for your own pathetic attempt to look cool.


This perceived misuse of Internet resources caused former Dutch education minister Loek Hermans to comment: "It would be nice if the students at Twente University would use their fast connections for information and education purposes, instead of downloading huge amounts of porn."

____________________________________ knowing is the easy part _____________


Posted by phrozen902 on 11-28-2002 05:00 PM:

No need for this release, the group didn't even explain why it was a proper.

Stick with the FTF release.

Posted by mathbob6 on 11-28-2002 05:02 PM:

Originally posted by

this is a lame and stupid post. i have no idea whether what you're saying is true or not, but use your fucking head: if you do know the nick of some group head, keep it to yourself. or for god's sake at least don't go posting it on every public web board that you're trying to look l33t on. think about somebody besides yourself.

this goes as well for some of you idiots i've seen posting details about watermarks you've noticed, or serial numbers, or other identifying media. so the group missed an identifying mark in a screener encode... it's lame of them, and they should have been more careful. but wtf, why do some people feel the need to highlight the fact in a public forum, call attn to it just in case the mpaa or fbi or whomever happened to overlook it? "yeah, this release flashes "xyz blah blah" at the part in the movie where (somebitch) was just telling (that bastage) that he was thru with him... and {somegroup's} scr of {whatever also said "xyz blah blah"... so they obviously came from the same source"...

... yeah yeah, you're fxn l33t0r mofo, we're all suitably impressed. now, stfu & quit backstabbing groups who release the stuff you d/l, just for your own pathetic attempt to look cool.

well said

Posted by ScoonerCB on 11-28-2002 05:55 PM:

This is easily the funniest forum i have ever come across on the net. You guys will flame ANYTHING. But that is good cause i know it keeps alot of people amused so much.

Posted by opso on 11-28-2002 06:02 PM:

Well bein I said Playa, the nick isant even close to his ir nick. You wont know his ir nick from whatt I said.

K thanks.

And for "tryin to look leet" Why try and look leet with a web board full of noobs and Ignorant people. Just tryin to bring some truth to everybody about what is tryin to be pulled by such groups as that, Just because Sombody Posts on a webboard Doesn't mean they aren't apart of the scene you don't know who I am to the scene and never will. So No need to look leet for a webboard my son.

And by you tryin to come back and Flame about some People talkin about watermarks and stuff like that is stupid and Didn't make any sense at all. Your So correct the FBI and MAPPA Read every post on VCDQ. Now if the groups were so scared about not bein caught they would have taken the extra step and Removed the watermarks etc.. But If they did not I'm guessin they arnt carin much about it. You think the Supplier Would NOTE: Please remove anything that can be brought back to me ie. watermarks,serials, etc. So Don't flame other people for noticing what is true.

Posted by hooah_punk on 11-28-2002 06:16 PM:


Anyone notice that there is no reason for the Proper in the nfo? Needs to be nuked just on that reson, then on the quality, and on the possible re-encode. Bleh...

Alex licks it.

Posted by MovieDude735 on 11-28-2002 07:05 PM:

This release leaves something to be desired. It's a bit blurry and it looks like it has been stretched out. I recommend going with an earlier release.

Posted by GangstaAngel on 11-28-2002 07:07 PM:

Just wondering....isn't QvD a break off from A-team? Last time A-team said they were leaving, or splitting up QvD appeared. Now that A-Team is back, so is QvD?

Posted by desertboy on 11-28-2002 07:53 PM:


pile of shit, for once I gotta say go with FTF's release. Damn I never thought I'd say that.

Unwatchable worse than the first 2 which were unwatchable

You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.

Posted by neatz on 11-28-2002 08:03 PM:

Major Asshole

Registered: Aug 2001
Location: The VCD Universe
Posts: 27

Originally posted by neatz
you guys need to learn qvd ant ateam lmao....

Ok how bout this: neatz=A-Team Memeber....LMAO!!! DOnt deny it!!!

"Think Before You Speak, Speak Half Of What You Think"

and u are part off ftf tyrent dont say you ant couse we all no mofo

Posted by neatz on 11-28-2002 08:08 PM:

btw playa only has something to do with one group qvd is run by some lame korax guy..............korax , korax , korax
why do ya discuss inner groups when ya dont no sh*t about what you saying.

Posted by Tyrant on 11-28-2002 09:17 PM:

Originally posted by neatz
Major Asshole

Registered: Aug 2001
Location: The VCD Universe
Posts: 27

Originally posted by neatz
you guys need to learn qvd ant ateam lmao....

Ok how bout this: neatz=A-Team Memeber....LMAO!!! DOnt deny it!!!

"Think Before You Speak, Speak Half Of What You Think"

and u are part off ftf tyrent dont say you ant couse we all no mofo

you all know huh? Im glad you know what everyone else does. Shit I didn't know I was part of FTF, WHOA!!! Who god the ignorance here is really mind blowing, as a matter of fact, neatz blow me, just like your mom!!!

Posted by neatz on 11-28-2002 10:26 PM:

the truth hurts dont it........lmao

Posted by CerealKid on 11-28-2002 10:34 PM:

Lol, hehe it sounded kinda right the way i said it


Posted by Skeletor916 on 11-28-2002 11:26 PM:


i didn't enjoy this one, the picture is stretched and the movie sucked. as far as you people who feel the need to argue on a fucking web board, i hope you all get arrested for being gay (altho that might not be illegal depending on what country you're in). later

Posted by anticrom on 11-29-2002 12:48 AM:

unneccissary release...should be dupe


Posted by jkbilly215 on 11-29-2002 03:30 AM:

Cool ugh

i guess the movie gets an A for effort

Posted by Grimace on 11-29-2002 03:31 AM:


Looks like shit, I'm just gonna go see it in the theatre

Posted by Bria James on 11-29-2002 04:36 AM:

Talking why?

I agree with the rest of you. Why would anyone make another release if it is going to be this shitty?
Isn't the other proper of this flick rated up near 8?
And they're going to release something that is rated at what, 2?
Now, I don't make them, but I appreciate them and all the effort that is put into them...but I just want to know why, why, why?


Posted by killerman on 11-29-2002 09:08 AM:

heh this is really funny , i heard the qvd was supposed to be internal , and that some lamer fxped it as real proper just to be gay, source : nforce

Posted by CerealKid on 11-29-2002 05:39 PM:

wrong wrong wrong


Posted by korax on 11-29-2002 09:58 PM:

lol dumbasses

first off playa doesn't run obus all that im gonna say second i dont run qvd i dont run anything im just an op in vcdquality who doesn't take part in legal activity like all you lamers get your facts straight before you start shouting off your mouths got it

Posted by backoff on 11-30-2002 06:46 AM:

Just like everyone else says, this is complete shit. FTF's proper was great. I know we shouldnt say anything about releases because nobody here will release their own, but next time just check and see if a better proper than yours is already out.

Posted by mrnoregard on 11-30-2002 07:46 PM:

Originally posted by Tyrant
This is a total waste of everyones time!!! This should never have been released, it shouldnt have even been done to begin with!!! The FTF version was really nice and I think that was all that was needed until a DVD Rip comes along or maybe even a screener. But this here: PATHETIC ATTEMPT!!!!


If yo daytons got a lil' mo shine than the ones i got, ama get my nine and yo shit is mine.......

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