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Posted by Mystic Slippe on 09-06-2004 02:05 AM:

[begin orgasm]

What can i say apart from OMFG!

This, is like, one of THE movies i been hyped to see all year (check the Movie Discussion forum hehe).

Awesome to see it released just weeks after it's theatre release and a DVDSCR too!!

Quality is a bit rough, looks more like a VHS transfer slapped on a DVD to me.

It's good enough though and better than nothing.

As for the movie, i've heard it's awesome. I knew it would be.

Can't wait to watch this later!!

[/end orgasm]

edit:: this is a mislabeled workprint.

at the start it says:

This is a low resolution AVID output. It is not color corrected. Sound Mixing and Music is completed.

Posted by dc_man on 09-06-2004 04:49 AM:

Haha, I was just going to say Mystic is going to take a shit in his pants when he see's this, and there you are first poster.

I'll be getting this, normally every movie you go ape shit over is pretty quality. I.E I60 , I have sex with that movie nightly.

My sig worked, It's back.

Posted by bcool2k on 09-06-2004 06:43 AM:


Aww damnit and was really looking forward to this one

Posted by vip3r on 09-06-2004 07:48 AM:

Quality is ok on this, definately watchable though. A little grainy (well obviously - it's a WP), but it's good. Never heard of this movie until now (/me hides from mystic) lol, anyways hopefully it'll be good. Got so much shit to watch right now..hopefully i'll get to it sometime soon.

BTW: On the voting section ... people like that should be banned! hehe (sure it's "slightly" off topic but oh well - better to point it out than not to point it out at all)
CARLlTOS 10 10 10

Posted by Ibegoat on 09-06-2004 08:46 PM:

I've heard good things about this flick..... am gonna try and find this even though its "NUKED" Nothing major seems to from what i hear content wise... just a little shitty on the quality. ?

Banned for repeatedly advertising pyramid schemes in signature.

Posted by Silver02 on 09-28-2004 09:31 AM:

Cool saw it and it kicks ass

you need to be open for this movie, it plays with you. don't wanna say too much.

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