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Posted by ssk on 12-11-2004 04:30 AM:

cool, was waiting for this movie .. was just wishing that brutus comes out with it !!

movie wasnt as bad as everyone has made it out to be.. its decent enough.. thouh i wished it was a 2cd rip with ac3 but then theres TDX rules for the groups


Im not suffering from insanity !! Infact i enjoy every minute of it !!

Posted by sar on 12-11-2004 04:53 AM:

In the sample, look at the part where it pans to the dead dog.. doesn't it look a bit choppy?

edit: Nm, in the actual movie there is no choppiness.


Posted by Viker on 12-12-2004 06:38 PM:

I thought the quality of this movie was very good. Not quite dvd quality, but still very good. I watched it on a 51 inch hdtv...good sound too.

Posted by XAVeRY on 12-17-2004 04:36 PM:

watched the movie yesterday, it was just PURE SHIT...don't download it - i want BRUTUS to get me all the bandwidth back :P
however the video&audio part is everything you can expect from and xvid dvdrip


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Posted by Pedro14 on 12-25-2004 04:16 AM:


Why do so many people hate this movie?. I think it maybe cos of the big twist near the end.

Posted by chiv on 12-25-2004 12:42 PM:

i think the reason people dislike it is because most films tell you stories that you disbelieve, and at the end your shocked to find out they were real... this film is anticlimactic because its the reverse, you find out the amazing story is just fabrication and theres nothing really there... and i dont mean in the sense of like 13th warrior or le pacte des loups (which were great films, that did this kind of thing really really well...), i guess this film just felt like a letdown because there was an 'easy' explanation for it all, that wasn't sinister and didn't have any deeper meaning or reason...

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