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007 Die Another Day *UNSUBBED* - TELESYNC - VideoCD
this is a CAM pics oki tho iv only watched sample tho
I show up this morning..and see the new 007 out...20 mins later i come back....and the unsubbed has hit as well.....HOLY S**T!
I cannot comment on quality as I havent seen either, but props to both groups (both with good track records for quality) for gettin these out early.
On a side note..people, these are bootleg videos..remember that.
People are rating movies a 2 because of quality. These arent dvds for christs sake, so dont expect digital quality.
Being on the end of a computer waiting for a download doesnt give you the right to flame. ALL these groups take their spare time to provide us with entertainment, often at their own expence.
So dont flame..just say thank you, vote truthfully, and as your mom would say..if you dont have anything nice to say then shut the fuck up before your father gets the belt
later everyone
hollow sound = CAM , + mislabel =/
jammi@ is rite, very crappy sound, you can understand what they say well but there is such a annoying loud hiss in it... crap
Only video is a tad betters then the unsubbed one (sharper and better colours) I would still go for the subbed one
:edit: omg richto giving this crap 9 for video and 8 for audio, he probably is a bit deaf?
Yep, I also agree with the above posts. Definitely a mislabeled cam. Pic is nicer than subbed version, but sound has loud hiss. More watchable than a lot of releases lately tho. Props to VideoCD for a quick unsubbed 007. Too bad about the audio...
Video = 6.5
Audio = 5.0
Only watched the sample and didn't feel like watching the subbed one after seeing the sample so I can't actually rate the movie.
ok well, the pic is better than ESOTERiC's version...but the sound...OMG. SUCKS. it's practically a CAM sound imo. Loud hisses and whatnot. certain parts of CD1... speech got muffled. (checking out CD2 in a bit..tho i think i wud stop the sonic torture already )
My Lexicon
sound is cammy but thats a TS 4 ya, pic is clear, a little blue but that might be the film section, overall looks a good release, obviously the 1 to choose over a subbed version.. Ill rate the film later
Video is very respectable for CAM.Sound sux tho.
my suggestion, wait for another release.
Great pic, a little bit hollow sound but acceptable. Considering that the esoteric is missing scenes this is the best one out yet.
why not download both versions and swap the sound????
or is that just a stupid idea, i dunno.
havent seen both samples yet and i dont want to ruin my experience for this movie.
if these copies arent good enuf just wait for FTF or a scr to come out or a better quality rls.
picky leechers.
ill wait for one with better sound. nothing bothers me more than annoying sound quality..
Originally posted by shadyrapper2
...wait for FTF or a scr to come out or a better quality rls...
Originally posted by shadyrapper2
havent seen both samples yet and i dont want to ruin my experience for this movie.
if these copies arent good enuf just wait for FTF or a scr to come out or a better quality rls.
picky leechers.
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
What?! Wait for FTF? Are you joking?
On the topic, the pic is pretty good, but the sound is CAM, which makes it CAM in case some of you guys dont know...
getting nuked everywhere practically. not only bad audio, but it's the same source as eso's, only cropped and stretched horizontally, the image itself has bad AR (tho the borders have been added in such a way as to make the entire frame have proper AR).
compare the same scene in eso's and vcd's release, and you'll see it.
This perceived misuse of Internet resources caused former Dutch education minister Loek Hermans to comment: "It would be nice if the students at Twente University would use their fast connections for information and education purposes, instead of downloading huge amounts of porn."
____________________________________ knowing is the easy part _____________
sample review..
picture great 7
sound SUCKS ASSS../ its crishing when ever someone just speaks.. it has a headache sound.. metallic ..
it sucks..
if u get hte sound of the subbed and the picture of this u'd have a nice release..
but this release SUCKS!
if u get one get the subbed..
althou the subbed picture isnt that good.. this will split yur head in 2 .. cause the sound ruins the movie
VERY strange. VideoCD was on a roll-- but from what I've read here, they really laid an egg on this release. 8 MILE was worth the wait-- sigh-- looks like another waiting game.
November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.
Better one coming from Uti audio probs
this doesnt sound like a cam to me the sound isnt hollow enough. the hiss and the other annoyances are resemblant of TS sound anyways. i just watched the sample. it was fine to me. i will be tapping this one for sure
Gumby r0x0rs j00r b0x0rs
whoever said this is getting nuked everywhere, needs to get off the dsl sites he got.
v.nice for a PRE. Don't complain
quote:It may not be a re-encode of ESO's but it is definitely from a similar source. There are many scenes where you can tell VideoCD cropped out the subs (you can already tell by the tmpgenc created blackbars), if the ESO one is missing scenes I wouldn't be surprised if this version would also. Video might be better (probably ran through filters) but they fucked up on encoding the sound, ESO's is best overall... decent pic, better audio... this cam nuked scenewide.
Originally posted by mew
Great pic, a little bit hollow sound but acceptable. Considering that the esoteric is missing scenes this is the best one out yet.
i think so too
i have seen the estoric versioon & it is not too good
saw sample pic looks good. sound has some slight distortion in it. nothing that cool edit pro can't fix, if u got 10 mins to spare and if it really bugs u that much. but either than that its good. im getting this one, no subs for me thank u very much. and if u really dont like the sound listen to ftf's 8 mile then u'll know what bad sound really is. rate this shit later when i watch it.
Ok, I just finished watching the sample, i don't know what u guys are going on about the SOUND it dose have a little hashing but u can fix it if u have alright sound system, beside that Picture is WAY WAY better then ESOTERiC i am downloading this movie for sure!
Keep up the good work!
Lets See What's New Today
OK, Please Stop asking for Movies, and Go and find it.
Re: Re: hello everyone
Originally posted by Astaroth
LMFAO!!!!! No requesting dude just wait for it on Kazaa it will be there soon lol and why your there could you send me episode III and Return of the King I heard their on there too LOL!!!!!!!
hang fire all
word has it UTI has just released this in fairly decent quality
this version is nowhere near as good as the uti release comin out full colour (no blue tint) and no sound problems spot on again to the uti boys.......
I'm glad I never go by what people say in the forum. This is a great release. The pic is great for a TS and I don't hear any real problems with the sound. So, if anyone wants to see this movie before it comes out this is definately one to grab.
the uti cam is far better quality than this version (no blue tint or sound probs)
don't go by the sample. The sample looked great to me, then when i sat down to watch the real movie the quality sucked pretty bad. I don't think the whole movie has that blue picture. The sound was also bad but you can actually fix that with the equalizer.
I hope TCF or Centr0py does a proper for these releases. If you can stand poor audio and cropped picture grab this release, if you can deal with decent video with subtitles and better sound go for the esoteric release, if you can't stand either i'd wait for a ts from a respectable group or wait for a telecine or something... but as for myself, i can't watch bad releases which will spoil a good movie.
Very nice work VideoCD good lookin rls , pic was good for TS 7/10 sound was a bit hollow but u could still here wot was bein said 6/10 Movie 9 just finished watchin was a very good film
Good Work And Keep Bringin Us More Quality Early Rls's
will wait for better
maybe UTi will come up with something nice
Yup this rls is from the same source, but it is better than the subbed version picture has more colour and not as blurry.
Yes you might say cropped BUT i tried this also using the first version and by cropping it you lost all the text that you still see in this rls so ..... lets wait and see what comes next, as for a proper (more cropping etc..) no we dont need a proper we need a screener hehe .
Nice pre on this 1 keep em coming!
Does the movie live up to the 007 name?
VCDz = Xilf .
Originally posted by viv
Hi! i�m new...aand i�ve a question:
What means a TEG-vcd
do i need a special codec to watch "teg-vcd�s"?
i love my tmpegenc
videocd video plus ESOTERiC audio = great release
only had to play with time sync for about 5 min to get it right now it's good to go
Originally posted by VCDz
Does the movie live up to the 007 name?
I watched several parts of CD1 on WMP and didn't notice any disruptive hiss/noise. Usually when burnt and played on my Apex 1200 things look and sound much better... but this already looks and sounds pretty damn good. Not spectacular, but very watchable. Do those early posts sound like people that hadn't seen squat and were agreeing with what they read? Looks that way to me.
Yeah thats usually the way it is...I don't take any posts seriously until the release has been released for around 3 hours because a lot of people like to make crap posts that aren't helpful.
im really getting sick of these mislabeled cams...
i just finished watching the whole movie and it looks like the end is missing.... or is it just me?
The pic is quite nice but the sound kinda spoils it, it's very FTF like, noisy and distorted. It is pre though.
Dont know what all the bitching is about. Great release for what it is, asian silver. Pic is very clear and not dark at all. Sound is where improvement is needed, little hollow but speach can be understood without much effort. Keep up the good work VideoCD!
Audio: 6/10
Video: 8/10
Movie: 10/10 James Bond!!!
007 Die Another Day *uNSuBBeD* - TELESYNC - VideoCD
There's something missing in the end of the movie...?
looks like theres 2 parts of this put together as the quality after the 1st 10mins of cd2 much better..
rate: 4 Video
4 Audio CD1
6 Video
5 Audio CD2
anyone notice this!
Re: Re: Re: hello everyone
Originally posted by rockstar
dont be an idiot, better yet dont try and be funny because that was the worst attempt ive ever witnessed. go back to meddling with your SW action figures and living in your mothers basement.
Originally posted by shadyrapper2
havent seen both samples yet and i dont want to ruin my experience for this movie.
if these copies arent good enuf just wait for FTF or a scr to come out or a better quality rls.
picky leechers.
You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.
sample wasnt bad , not good , but watchable
no idea
this is a dupe of UTi's
the quality is ok, but what is worse is the fact that the end scene is missing............
There is no use for this whatsoever.....nuke it..........
Do you people actually get the releases, watch the release and then post a response. If you are going by the pic and the sample you need to watch the full rip before posting that the sound is hollow or hissing. The sound is a little loud but not hollow or hissing. Can be easily cleaned up with Treble and Bass adjustment. Video is somewhat dark on CD1 but color seems to come into CD2. Last part of the movie is missing. Which is probably a scene with Halle and Bond. 5 Minutes or less missing.
How much is really missing in the end of this movie release?
Let me know. Thanks!
Hey how many scenes are missing in this release?
How much is missing at the end?
Is it missing important scenes in the movie?
Let me know. Thanks!
explosions are cool
Video: 7 -=- Not bad at all for a TS/CAM (whatever it is)
Fast motion can get a little pixelated.
Sound: 6 -=- Doesn't suck. but volume needs to be turned up higher than normal. a little echoey, but words arent intelligable.
Film: 9 -=- Women, Guns, Explosions, Fast Cars!!
thanks VideoCD
They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
Missing Scenes
Hey, newbie here, well new to boards anyway. Just been to see Die Another Day at the flicks and compared it against my VideoCD release. Roughly a third of the pic is missing on the left hand side of the release. A small amount on the right is missing. As far as I can tell or remember, the beginning scene is missing where he shoots the camera and a bit of the end is missing, which is actually pretty funny.
The bit thats missing at the end isn't really important to be honest, just amusing. Ties the film up in the usual Bond way (Bond laying down with woman, fade to credits).
Oh and did anyone else find bond TOTALLY sleazy in this film and not at all suave and debonair like usual?
Thanks Mr_Grinch
That is EXACTLY what I wanted 2 know!
More posts like this and less BullSh*t would b appreciated!
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