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For a TS, the audio doesn't seem better than the UTi rls. The pic is a lot better due to no subs, it's a little more on the dark side, but mebbe thats just the sample.
did watch the sample aswell.. think ill wait for a nice screener or something on a cool movie like this =)
This Movie Rocks
just watched the sample here on my l33t connection is ok for a CAM couldnt get any better so worth the download if u really must see is watchable...sound was a lil on the hollow side like if they recorded this in a restroom it had that echo all i rate this movie a 7 on video and 5 on audio!!!
way to go esoteric
i am dl this now, since i am at work usin remote admin i cant view the sample, and its to early to see any jpegs, i give mad props to both uti and esoteric for releasing this so fast, but as we all know speed over quality never wins, i hope this is a nice TS, if not oh well, i guess we all know we can always wait for a CTP release or the dvd screener. But for those of us who dont bitch and whine about dl'in movies even if there crap, I am gonna take a shot at it.
for the rest of you Flame on, begin your crying, and bitchin, and whining now use form below.
That was a joke seriously like i have said in the past, stop your bitchin no one forces you to dl it. So simply save your credits come here value our opinion or stfu and dl it your self and then keep your mouth shut, groups work hard to release stuff for the irc packet monkies so unless you actually are in the scene, or contribute to it in some valuable way STFU and stop bitchin
Have a Nice Day
Not too bad. Much better than the last release it seems (lookin at cd1). Audio isnt as sharp, but it's close. Pic is a bit darker, but not a lot. 6/5/-
Watched sample and it is better than the uti especially bcs no subs...I'd say Its very watchable, but we can hopefully look forward to a CTP rls =)
See now that's what I like. Days, not weeks between new releases.
i'm just hoping that within a few days i'll be seeing a nice screener or better: predvd ?
but I don't get my hopes up.
great release though.
Sound isn't that much better then the CAM, but the video is. Bit to dark but that's nothing I can't handle with enhancing my overlay.
Do whatever nescessary to make you life Sway
One word:SILVER
Two words:CAM
Three Words:NUKE(Bad Quality.Milabeled)
and The Fourth Word is:Wait
nuked for bad sound... and it was really bad sound :P
Copyright = Right to copy
// SPS
Not nuked on my sites...Sound isnt that bad, a little fuzzy, but if u adjust sound controls, u can get it to go away....
ok, its a little better Quality as UTi but still blury and sound is still low and hall, Cam is on the side !
but u know what its Good movie and wroth downloading
ESOTERiC thanx for this Movie!
Lets See What's New Today
OK, Please Stop asking for Movies, and Go and find it.
Originally posted by SPS
nuked for bad sound... and it was really bad sound :P
Re: yeah??????
Originally posted by parasiticgannon
Well if it were the only releases that wouldn't be nuked is ctp's movies. they get some damn good sound. I was shocked with how to lose a fag in 10 days. damn good sound.
Dont think it's that bad. The audio is decent enough and the video is acceptable in this stage.
Personally i'm waiting till friday when this movie will come in the UK cinema's; i expect a better release on sunday.
However;..if you cant wait;'s acceptable
Picture looks a bit better than UTi's release and I've watched a lot worse. Depends on how bad you wanna see this movie.
Great job really.
Aah, finally a new rls. Props to ESOTERIC for this one.
As for the movie, audio ok (but i actually think uti one sounded better?),
video decent enough, (and slightly better than the uti release)
what a touching scene. it brings a tear to my eye
video is FS, pretty dark.. one of ESO's better rls
not the greatest but hell, i certainly couldnt do better
Sound isn't bad. a little low, (4)
They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
Actually this is one of the better TS i've ever seen, the vid is a bit dark but still very watchable, the audio is almost as good as UTi's, but still very good. the sample made me cry
I dont know, whats a good sig?
Something else to watch tonight, grabbed sample a while ago, overall not bad, audio not ass up to scratch as UTi's, pic is moderatly better..
Once again, mad props on the nice pre
Re: Re: yeah??????
Originally posted by MediaRipper
Well actually that is what a Telesync is suppose to sound like if you go the actual definition of a TS. 98% of all telesyncs released are all mislabeled cams(the truth hurts dont it).
Re: This Movie Rocks
Originally posted by looncorleone
just watched the sample here on my l33t connection is ok for a CAM couldnt get any better so worth the download if u really must see is watchable...sound was a lil on the hollow side like if they recorded this in a restroom it had that echo all i rate this movie a 7 on video and 5 on audio!!!
Re: Re: This Movie Rocks
Originally posted by phoR20
hey newbie, if u think that "a CAM couldnt get any better"
u know nothing at all of the scene, if u think this is as good as cams get ...go get your shit off Kazaa...o wait a min...thats where u get your shit ain't it? bad.
Originally posted by MediaRipper
One word:SILVER
Two words:CAM
Three Words:NUKE(Bad Quality.Milabeled)
and The Fourth Word is:Wait
Originally posted by Levangles
umm.... ok, silver is one word, but unfortunately cam is not two. try not to sound like you know so much when you're that dumb
Excellent quality..ignored the sample cos i never bother with them neway
Sound is good..didn't sound hollow to me so i deduce it is in fact a TS as correctly labeled
Picture is good also..not dark but spot on (switch ur dvd standalones from pal > ntsc some times..can make a hell of a difference lol)
AR is slightly out but who borders and full screen..this is a good release well done ESOTERiC
UPDATE: Just tested this in my DVD player. Sound is fine. WTF are you all talkin bout? The sample is from a dark part of the movie, daylight scenes seem just fine.
If it's nuked it doesn't deserve to be and i haven't seen it nuked anywhere yet.
I don't give two shits about this movie, it looks like total crap so ima watch this tonight either way.
Well I wont pretend like I am a guru with scenes and stuff but I will say this, and might as well post it here as the topic seems to have been touched upon in previous posts...
A TS is supposed to have a DIRECT audio source, isnt it? It just makes me smile when I see all of these TS labelled movies with really poor sound because if you have a direct source then what is it that they do to make the audio so bad? If anyone does actually have some knowledge on this I'd like to know so feel free to post/pm me
A cam is not allways bad! I remember a fair few UTi CAM releases of late which were really good, and certainly better than anything else on offer at the time... Final Destination 2 for example, or a few months ago I remember being pretty pleased with their release of Stuart Little 2 which as I recall was a CAM.
I would say that a lot of the time the case is that a group has got their hands on a silver from Asia and just released it as a TS, when the case is a lot of the time its a CAM. But I am probably wrong! I am personally gratefull for anything and everything that a group of people release because the important facts are that they took the time to do it, and more importantly its FREE! hehe.
As for my rating for this release, I am going to give it a 7/6. Its certainly "watchable" but i wont be burning this one! Plus I am of the mind that this is a cam! But congrats to esoteric! nice rls! thnx!
Sample is pretty dark, but good release overall. I would have liked to see UTi re do it with their own camera, but this will do. Even though ESOTERiC is not a great group (average 5.5 or so for video, 5 for sound, ftf is 4 for video, 4 for sound) it's great to know that they are VERY consistent and dependable. FTF is/used to be consistent, fast, and dependable, but their releases weren't good. I guess mediocre quality is what you get from a consistent/dependable group. 5.5/4/7.5
thanx for the release but movies like this there is no other way to enjoy them except at the movies..... great picture great sound and then when we get a good rip Ill enjoy it again at home....
but thanx again
YECCH. Poor. I see Eso TS nowadays, I go, "arrggghhhh" and hope it doesn't prevent a decent release in the near future.
November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.
One of eso's good rls's the pic isnt that bad at all its very watchable its jus the sound thats bad its not nuked on any of my sites so i dont no what u guys are talking bout like the sample its a sad moment 6/5/?
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
Just finished watchin CD1 of this release... someone said the camera was angled? That disappeared after the credits were done..Nice movie.. Quality could have been a little better... 6/7/9
will wait for screener...
i guess there will be better versions real soon.
so i will pass on this one.
its awright for a pre- 5/4/8
props for the pre....
Keep It Brutal
where the fluck can I find a sample?
8 mile rules!
Originally posted by umiker
where the fluck can I find a sample?
"If somebody said to me, in twelve years you’ll be in a band with your brother and two carrot munching geezers who don’t like football, I would've said 'fuck off, I’m not joining the Bee Gees." -Noel Gallagher 2005
I just watched this.
The video is crooked, over-zoomed, dark, and low-res. Sound has lots of hiss, and is generally poor.
It really isn't watchable.
The movie sucks too.
Is the movie any good? I hates the Ben Afleck - but i do enjoy a good superhero movie.
movie isn't that bad. however, elecktra is supposed to be a villain, and kingpin is supposed to be white, and a lot wider.
video was definitely zoomed in, and angled. it never actually fixed itself, its just more noticable in the opening credits. There was about 10% of the movie cut off on each side as well.
audio was okay. pretty smooth, but there was a low hissing sound. towards the end, it got a little jumpy. also the background music throughout the movie sounded distorted.
it is fairly watchable, i give it a 5/5/7
i await a centropy release; they have the reels, so maybe a TC is in order? also, go see this in the theaters, i think its worth it.
Just got down watching this movie and would have to say its not a porn im watching but the real deal...the vedio was kinda dark and sound wasnt the greatest but it was watchable....
ok... i got this release cause the uti one was subbed... and im quite dissapointed with ESO.... They missed a huge section of the movie... almost 45 mins worth. The entire scene with the japonese chick being raped... this was a very important part of the plot in my opion and i just have to say you need to check these things before you release esoteric.... bad BAD!!!!
:: hehe that cheered me up :P prepare for idiots to flame you now not realising the sarcasm -pHo
Originally posted by umiker
where the fluck can I find a sample?
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
Originally posted by Hatbert
ok... i got this release cause the uti one was subbed... and im quite dissapointed with ESO.... They missed a huge section of the movie... almost 45 mins worth. The entire scene with the japonese chick being raped... this was a very important part of the plot in my opion and i just have to say you need to check these things before you release esoteric.... bad BAD!!!!
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by Hatbert
ok... i got this release cause the uti one was subbed... and im quite dissapointed with ESO.... They missed a huge section of the movie... almost 45 mins worth. The entire scene with the japonese chick being raped... this was a very important part of the plot in my opion and i just have to say you need to check these things before you release esoteric.... bad BAD!!!!
:: hehe that cheered me up :P prepare for idiots to flame you now not realising the sarcasm -pHo
Originally posted by lipster
Just got down watching this movie and would have to say its not a porn im watching but the real deal...the vedio was kinda dark and sound wasnt the greatest but it was watchable....
Thanks for the movie, although I find this flick too dark for my standards so I think I'll pass... thanks
Originally posted by CaptainPooHat
45 mins!? what the hell?! shouldn't this have been a 3cd rls then? lol
i gotta see that part, you cant watch a rls without seeing the whole thing, so thanks for bringing it up (cuz it seems like no one else was going to). I guess i'll have to hold off downloading this, seeing how much i like japanese chicks 'n all and just wait for friday till i see it in theatres oh well..
ESO-check your silvers before you rls them!
haha..good for a few laughs.. hatbert's my new best friend
"If somebody said to me, in twelve years you’ll be in a band with your brother and two carrot munching geezers who don’t like football, I would've said 'fuck off, I’m not joining the Bee Gees." -Noel Gallagher 2005
just finally watched it i dunno if it was me or my xanax but the movie was very dark and boring, i fell asleep after cd2, quliaty sucked sound was shit and the movie well...... i hope it was justr the fact that i was wasted on xanax cause i though it was very booring. Hope a good ctp ts or screener comes out so i can enjoy it
Latas lists on line at being 96 minutes..not 2 hours +...
Originally posted by Phantasmical
Jesus you mong at least post a FUCKING SPOILER WARNING. Moron.
Originally posted by bmvtoys lists on line at being 96 minutes..not 2 hours +...
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by CaptainPooHat
LMAO...pHo, right you were.
<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot
Re: This Movie Rocks
Originally posted by looncorleone
just watched the sample here on my l33t connection is ok for a CAM couldnt get any better so worth the download if u really must see is watchable...sound was a lil on the hollow side like if they recorded this in a restroom it had that echo all i rate this movie a 7 on video and 5 on audio!!!
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
Re: Re: This Movie Rocks
Originally posted by your name here
i meen who cares if u have a "l33t" connection its only a sample if u were on cable it would only take u bout 2 minutes to get it anyways
Originally posted by lipster
Just got down watching this movie and would have to say its not a porn im watching but the real deal...
shuddup alot of whiney lil gerlz....
man there's always some dumb dude that wanna talk down on someone plz something bout tha movie.....
Guess what? Unlike some of you, I actually downloaded the movie and watched it! (gasp)
This seems like a CAM. The image is tilted and zoomed in very close to the screen so the sides are chopped off. Guess they wanted to record it full-screen. So we're losing some picture on the sides. Image is a little blurry. Has a bluish tint. At times the audio sounds like it's coming off a mangled cassette tape, but is okay throughout 95% of the film.
The movie: some impressive fighting choreography (but some of it was pretty bad too), Affleck was tolerable (silly looking red costume), Jennifer was gorgeous (Elektra's leather outfit was a jawdropper), Bullseye was funny, Kingpin was boring. Overall it was an okay movie, not great.
just watched it and i gotta say i will definetely download a better
version when its out
but its watchable.
Originally posted by MediaRipper
Let me guess you get your releases from KAZAA lol
Originally posted by CaptainPooHat
WTH is a mong?
Dare Devil
Really Dark is all I have to say
5.5 - 5 - 6.5
daredevil lowdown
the quality of the video is pretty way this is a's got this weird upward angle slant and the audio is defiinitely NOT from a direct source. portions of the top of the screen as well as the sides are cut off, and at times it is so dark that it is difficult to make out some of the fight scenes. it's definitely're definitely going to want to see the flick again in a new release. video is a 4, audio is a 4, film is a 7...
Originally posted by Hatbert
ok... i got this release cause the uti one was subbed... and im quite dissapointed with ESO.... They missed a huge section of the movie... almost 45 mins worth. The entire scene with the japonese chick being raped... this was a very important part of the plot in my opion and i just have to say you need to check these things before you release esoteric.... bad BAD!!!!
:: hehe that cheered me up :P prepare for idiots to flame you now not realising the sarcasm -pHo
Originally posted by Phantasmical
Whats wrong with that
::Learn how to use lower-case letters and act like an adult when you post, please. -K::
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