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nice 1
video rocks. cool release
hail to the king baby.
nice pic.nice sound.
perfect for a friday night.. seems like a good movie..
great TcS...
WOW! Its a shame that the oscar season will be over soon, its not like I can complain though, thanks to everyone releasing all these great quality flicks!
Very nice release, way to go tcs. Picture is ok , not the best ever but certainly very watchable. sound is great. I think i will grab this one
just letting you guys know the two towers has been nominated for shit for the academy aways crap so theres a dvd screener made
well not shit lol sorry one nominatoin is for BEST PICTURE
Wise words DJD4566. I'm sure your discovery has caused a great deal of surprise for everyone here.
Or, as they say in spain, no shit Sherlock.
Anyway - back to this. Image looks great but has anyone actually SEEN it yet?
Looks good, and the nfo says: 168min runtime! *nice*
. . . ..........T.H.E.c.H.R.O.N.I.C.S.Q.U.A.D............ . . . .
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Û²ß Gangs Of New York ß²Û
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±Ý SUPPLiER....[ iSONEWS.COM SiZE.....[ cd1:28/15 cd2:49/15 ±
MEDiA.......[ VHS [ cd3:40/15
° RUNTiME.....[ 168 Mins QUALiTY..[ ViDEO: 8 AUDiO: 10 °
ß± FORMAT......[ VCD FiLES....[ tcs-gony-cd*.r** ±Û
²ßÜ iMDB RATiNG.[ 7.6 RLS.DATE.[ 01/03/03 ܲ
²Üß GENRE.......[ Crime/Drama RETAiL...[ ??/??/03 ܲ
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The film starts in 1846 and ends in 1863 with the draft riots.
The setting is New York's five points, the most violent part of
the world at the time. The story is risen out of the conflicts
between the white Anglo-Saxon "natives" and the Irish
immigrants coming into the five points. One boy needs to avenge
the death of his father...
NOTES: Removed all aggravating Property of watermarks enjoy!
° °
± ENJOY! ±
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Ü .NFO MADE BY AyLieN of cRO. 2oo1
nfogen by p?k[bah]
picture is good, but not very good
sound is excellent...
lets go for this one...
Very good quality... I think they should have made it an SVCD, judging by the "if it were svcd" sample.
Originally posted by Wibble
WOW! Its a shame that the oscar season will be over soon, its not like I can complain though, thanks to everyone releasing all these great quality flicks!
Good release
This is a great release from Tcs, I have been waiting for this; but I don't understand why they made it a VCD when there SVCD sample looks even better, why make a sample of a SVCD? O well maybe they will come out with one that is a SVCD DVD Screener.
end of Dec is considered the end of oscar season because thats usually the deadline for contending movies to be released
Well all of the movies have to be watched before we get a winner, so the studios send out DVDScreeners or VHS tapes of the movies to all previous academy award winners so that they can judge the film. I have watched many a good DVD screener from Oscar friends.
Heh I thought they were in late January, woo hoo!
I really want to hold out for a DVD SCR of his movie, but im sure impatience willl get the better of me sooner or later
Two words HOLY SHIT
I think i creamed my pants, I just woke up came to the site noticed this was on here. i can't believe it. I downloaded the sws version, that was unwatchable so i still havn't seen it. thanks tcf for releasing this screener.
LORD OF THE RINGS THE TWO TOWERS Has not been nomiated for an academy award, its been nominated for a golden globe award, two totally different things. well this day has rocked and i just got up, now all i gotta do is get laid, lol. yeah right. like i'm gonna get laid today.
NOTES: Removed all aggravating Property of watermarks enjoy! ...
I hope they didn't crop the release... Not to sound like the most anal fag in the world, but I saw this in the theatres and loved it!... I really want to see it in the true widescreen and proper aspect ratio... I don't care it it says "FOR YOUR CONSIDERAION" 4 times during the movie, better than taking a slice off the bottom.
most of these dvd's aren't for the oscars, but for the golden globe awards...
WHy cant people shut up about TTT
TTT and more TTT
Woah has anyone seen LOTR:TTT i just saw it again, i have seen it so many damn times now, it was like the best movie ever. woah, TTT, TTT, TTT, TTT, woah it rocks, Hello jc100 figured i would give you another reply about TTT. just messing. Actually i don't wanna talk about TTT anymore either, i wanna know when in the hell is Chicago coming out????????????????????????? catherine zeta jones is the best gal ever.
Can't wait to see this release, from what i can see so far (jpegs) it looks really good. i'll give my vote after i see the movie.
Nice ain't half bad...i personally like widescreen better anywayz....worth my time...but if the vcd is 3 big was the svcd...or did ya jus not feel like cuttin it down ta 2? heh
Re: Two words HOLY SHIT
Originally posted by parasiticgannon
I think i creamed my pants, I just woke up came to the site noticed this was on here. i can't believe it. I downloaded the sws version, that was unwatchable so i still havn't seen it. thanks tcf for releasing this screener.
LORD OF THE RINGS THE TWO TOWERS Has not been nomiated for an academy award, its been nominated for a golden globe award, two totally different things. well this day has rocked and i just got up, now all i gotta do is get laid, lol. yeah right. like i'm gonna get laid today.
"i think i am getting hacked. my modem lights are flashing..."
Disappointing film,was looking forward to it but it's let down by some poor casting in some of the more critical roles as well a bit of an alround mess.
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
great realease,thankyou
cool! Ive been wanting to see this one ^^ I guess i'll grab this whenever the hell I can but theres something telling me there will be a dvd screener soon =/ also DeathChilde: beautiful sig
i feel really stupid
Am i the stupidest person alive at this moment? Yes i am. i don't think anyone could be as stupid as me. thanks stabbe for pointing out my mistake, it was a mistake, not on purpose. and sorry to anyone who is in the group TcS if any of you guys saw my first post i am totally sorry.
2 january, "cam" shitty qual!.
3 january, dvd screener.. whoa!
way to go TcS! U keep the scene alive, more of these please!
:: *dvd* screener? ahem.
Here is my useful 2 cents... WHY O WHY DIDNT YOU DO THIS IN SVCD!!!!! The svcd sample looked near perfect. On the vcd, you see some artifacts. Im leech this whole movie, as im doing now.. But damn, Id love to watch the svcd of this. Ah well cant complain its free. My thought. Ill give you review on how it looks prob tomorrow as im gettin movie as we speak. Just viewed samples right now.
Re: Two words HOLY SHIT
Originally posted by parasiticgannon
... thanks tcf for releasing this screener....
about damn time
no nfo
why oh why doesnt vcdquality post the nfos for any of the TcS releases?
it boggles my mind
:: because they asked us not, so we dont. -pHo
Looks nice !!! 8/8.6/?
Thanks for a nice Friday present i been dying to see this!
its watchable but the movies pure shit
actual sound in the movie is terrible.
The Pic looks good but like the majority, I'll have to wait for someone to post it on in the newsgroups so we can see what it really looks like and sounds like, I've been waiting for this one for a while...Thanks TcS
just finished watching it. pic is great and sound is excellent. the movie was a bit disappointing tho, didnt like it as much as i expected. great rls, pick it up if u can. also in their nfo they said they removed the property marks, i dunno what they did to get them out but i did not notice any blurs or anything like that, anyways great rls, and quick too.
good realese
Thanks Tcs once again good shit u guys have some good inside connections on screeners please realese catch me if u can and lord of the rings
Ok obviously most people here HAVENT seen the movie and just talk like they are leet. First, the picture isnt bad. Im not saying it is. I put the cd in my dvd player. It clearly appears to have artifacts. The movie looks like a shitty encode from a wonderful source. The colors are wonderful but the way it was done into vcd instead of svcd seriously affects the quality. The pic is slightly blocky and artifacts do appear. I mean by all means this is the best release out but if you havent leeched it, wait for either an svcd by this group, if they do one, or a dvd screener. I hope my opinion helped.
The video and audio quality of this is very good, but it's not dvd screener just vhs.
This is probably why they didnt release as svcd.
Also please note this is a long film and at SVCD quality would most likely have required 4 CDs, they probably felt the movie didnt warrant this.
It is well worth downloading anyway as the quality never spoils the viewing.
I'd give 7/7/? I dont think my opinion of the movie matters to anybody but me
Great job TcS.
*edit* In my opinion they didnt mess up the encoding and did a fine release.
Well I just finished getting this one, but I probably wont watch it until the DVD screener comes out, in a few days most likely. Im sorry to hear that even a great VHS screener can be screwed up by crappy encoding.
BTW WTF would you release a VCD with a SVCD sample? I really thank you for this nice release but really WTF are you thinking?
Maybe they did the svcd sample for the film cause they wanted to show u what the svcd quality is like and since a lot of you moan about svcd most groups dont do it unless they have a exellent source
Personally i agree with a previous post regardin the quality of the colours is nice and the svcd sample looked better to me,but thats just my opinion,movie itself wasnt that great..
I was never caught!
nice job
watched it all .... they did a nice job on this release, especially for a VCD ....
keep up the good work TcS!
TOP quality, but disappointing movie :o))
Thanks for this release, quality is very good but the movie itself is very disappointing
Keep up the good work TcS ;o)
Originally posted by BENGEL
Looks good, and the nfo says: 168min runtime! *nice*
dont bitch about cds in this day and age, just do what i do and get a dvd burner and stick all the mpegs from your rls's on one dvd-r
Originally posted by likwid8
Ya, thats why it was pointless to make it 3 CD's when extracting the first CD led out to 394 MEGS!!!!
It boggles my mind why they couldnt fill up the rest of the space.... let alone 3 cds? errrrrr
*The ripper/encoder is an idiot*
Video: 1150 kbit/sec MPEG-1 352 x 288 pixels 25 frames/second Audio: 224 kbit/sec MPEG-1 Layer2
I just watched it... Still one of my favoite films of the year. I still don't know why they sliced off the pop-up consideration watermarks... I swear I could handle it.
This is an average VHS Screener of a quite good film.
The picture is quite good and the sound is excellent, and since its 168 mins its gotta be 3 CD's, since its 80mins per disc.
SVCD would also be 3 discs as 56minutes per disc isn't too bad for SVCD, and the reason for the SVCD sample is i think TcS are trying to see what people would rather, so the next VHS screener they get a hold of, they will know what people want.
The best thing to do is extract the 3 mpegs and re-enode the sound to a lower bitrate, the diference isnt too noticable and will allow u to cut the mpeg into 2 and put it on 2 CD's.
I dont mind the cost of extra discs, but i dont like changing discs, plus all my DVD covers are for 2 discs.
edit:nikelrah a 74 min CD hold 74minutes of video at VCD standard and 80 minutes on an 80 min CD
Don't knock it if its free, if you could do better why are you downloading it
Originally posted by nikelrah
hahahaha ... this has to be one of the funniest posts ever made. sorry to dissapoint you, but the only idiot here is you! please do never ever try to talk about things you have less then zero knowledge of. even i know that VCD == MGEP-1 == CBR.
taken from
Video: 1150 kbit/sec MPEG-1 352 x 288 pixels 25 frames/second Audio: 224 kbit/sec MPEG-1 Layer2
id take svcd over vcd anyday
Its good to be back, and I thought this version rocked..
Re-incarnated as evil overlord..
1st post
been gagging to watch this film....hope its as good as ppl say
any tips would be grateful as i'm sorta lost in thiis department
Originally posted by Redemption
edit:nikelrah a 74 min CD hold 74minutes of video at VCD standard and 80 minutes on an 80 min CD
picture is good,audio is excellent,but the film............. total wank i'd say!
Ok Nikelrah, i wasn't meaning to be picky or anything, just thought i'd point it out and CDDA does have a data rate of 150k/s but shove an audio cd on and check the data rate with something like Winamp and its 1411kbps.
Originally posted by jonno
picture is good,audio is excellent,but the film............. total wank i'd say!
very nice after them 2 cams and ts rls this rocks
Great release...However, I am dissapointed that they didnt do it SVCD. I looked at the 2 samples and I think the SVCD sample looks MUCH better then the vcd, especially during high action sequences. But oh well, I guess ill just have to wait for the DVD screener, even though i really want to see this film NOW! HeHe
If the rest of the movie is the same as the sample I give it an 8/8 great job
Originally posted by likwid8
Ya, thats why it was pointless to make it 3 CD's when extracting the first CD led out to 394 MEGS!!!!
It boggles my mind why they couldnt fill up the rest of the space.... let alone 3 cds? errrrrr
looks damn good...keep up the good work!+Photo+Album/roach1.jpg?pfCvOG.AAQvSickP
Originally posted by DJD4566
just letting you guys know the two towers has been nominated for shit for the academy aways crap so theres a dvd screener made
just burned this nice rls! i plan on watching it tomorrow. although i think the svcd sample was far superior, i'm very gracious for the great rls from TcS! thanks guys! the svcd sample had MUCH less macro/micro blocks, it looked very clean.
the vcd rip has a shitload of micro blocks all over the movie, and HEAVY macro blocks in dark scenes. in the future it'd be nice to have svcd, but it's free so thanks for taking the time/energy/risk in puttin this flic out!!
retired from the scene, but still leechin!
Nice rip for a vhs screener to vcd, thanks tcs.
For the cry babies out there this movie could have been done on 2 cd's but then it would have been out of standard and then lots of others would have cried "you didn't do it right". It's one of those damd if you do and damd if you don't things. Also I can tell you it takes more effort to do such a long movie that way when your gonna have to split it dead in the middle to make it work.
Keep up the good work
Video could have been better, audio is typical for a screener, good movie but not great.
I was gonna reencode the audio as 192k (for myself) so I could just put it on 2 cd's, and when I was looking at the length of the movie I noticed the only reason this doesn't fit on 2 cd's is the 3 minutes of credits. So cut the credits off, and you can get it down to 2 cd's and keep it vcd-compliant.
I saw a few jerky moments on my standalone, but nice quality overall. Audio (treble mainly) seemed distorted at certain points.
Good release overall.
personally i thought this movie did not live up to its potential .. or how should i say could have been a lot fuckin better
it could be just me i was really eager to watch this looking forward to it since late 2001
at least it did not 'blow goats' but not so great
this is an awesome scr esp considerin theatre release date was waht 2 weeks prior?
im a lil puzzled why it was not done svcd as well
8/8/7.5 is my rating based off vcd scr
Great release but I had some wierd problems with this release which were also apparent in their Adaptation rip, some parts seemed jerky not really a ghosting effect like those in VideoCD TC's but like bad ivtc style jerks but I don't know if that's possible on vcd's. Otherwise, nice quality.
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