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Posted by Swimj on 11-14-2002 02:33 AM:

Damn not to flame, but what a buncha dumb fucks 48k audio omg... LOL They got banned offa all my sites stupid fucks

Posted by JoshNya on 11-14-2002 04:06 AM:

Ya, I bet bottom dollar that some lame group recodes the audio and remuxes it back, what a waste.

Posted by Fire_Sokar on 11-14-2002 05:52 AM:

Originally posted by JoshNya
Ya, I bet bottom dollar that some lame group recodes the audio and remuxes it back, what a waste.

Thats what im doing for now. But hopefully a group will re-rip it the 48k audio is probally the reason the video is so pixalated the extra what 10 mb per cd could of been used..

Posted by slurmman on 11-14-2002 06:31 AM:

the nfo says its encoded at normal svcd quality, whos right?


Posted by reelnewbie on 11-14-2002 08:24 AM:

are you telling my that your standalones won't process 48khz audio? damn, that's a picky machine.

on another note, when using dvd2svcd it's rather easy to forget to check the 'downsample 48->44.1' button, which is most likely the case here.

montage, have your supplier send me his shit ;-)

Posted by Fire_Sokar on 11-14-2002 06:09 PM:

Originally posted by reelnewbie
are you telling my that your standalones won't process 48khz audio? damn, that's a picky machine.

on another note, when using dvd2svcd it's rather easy to forget to check the 'downsample 48->44.1' button, which is most likely the case here.

montage, have your supplier send me his shit ;-)

Most can but on cdr media It runs a higher chance of burning up the laser or ruining the cd.

Posted by TopChancer on 11-15-2002 09:00 PM:

only the sample audio is 48kHz

the movie is 44.1kHz

Posted by PaulAAtreides on 11-17-2002 06:40 AM:

plays fine on my samsung C621 changer..... haven't tested in the apex yet.....

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