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Posted by Mike-420 on 01-25-2003 07:44 PM:


Quality wuz X Cell ENT! 9/9/6

Movie wuz... a bit odd.. kinda reminded me of the Cube story kinda... ne way good release movie ... so so..

Posted by ou812 on 01-27-2003 09:59 AM:

Has Property of Liongate films all over it

Posted by horizonstar on 01-29-2003 02:02 AM:

yeah, this is the first release I've ever seen where the "property of" signs actually interfered with the watching of the movie.

but that's okay because the movie is really, Really, REALLY bad.

Posted by on 01-29-2003 02:56 AM:

hehe the quality was fine... but yes, this movie was unbelievably bad.


This perceived misuse of Internet resources caused former Dutch education minister Loek Hermans to comment: "It would be nice if the students at Twente University would use their fast connections for information and education purposes, instead of downloading huge amounts of porn."

____________________________________ knowing is the easy part _____________


Posted by target on 01-29-2003 04:38 PM:

i thought it was kinda funny.
all those evil toys...hehe
well i was wondering. the sample was WS and the movie
wasnt. i guess if it were ws it would look way more
professional hehe. anyway.

Posted by SharkeysMachine on 01-30-2003 05:27 PM:

Picture and sound were ok, but yeah the "property of" does get a little annoying. Movie was pretty corny but i've seen alot worse.


Posted by Hot Burner on 01-30-2003 05:56 PM:

i may have missed reading it in this thread but who put out the screener? which group. because i havent seen it around. i got the sWs version. now some of the movies i get are of Horrible quality. but that dosent really bother me that much...dont get me wrong Some movies NEED to be in great quality to enjoy them...but most dont and ill watch just to get the basic plot and story. but hell i could have watched bikerboyz blind sucked. and someone posted on here that it was the BEST movie of the year??? lemme guess u liked "Cabin Boy" and "Howard the Duck" also. anyway this movie's plot and story sucked. they just figured noone had made a street bike movie yet. so they put one out. i think they would make a hell of alot more money on it if they would have released it closer to spring time...that way 100's of idiots would go out and buy motocycles and try doin all the tricks and killin themselves doin "Christs" and "Seat-tank-hops" anyway. look for many motorcycle accidents to follow after this movie. heh

My opinion which dosent mean squat.

Posted by target on 01-31-2003 03:57 AM:

but why post so much on biker boyz when this is the thread on subterano.... oh well.

Posted by horizonstar on 01-31-2003 07:54 AM:

looking at the subject of the thread reveals that UTi was the release group.

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