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-- The Playaz Court *LiMiTED* - SCREENER - HafVCD (
Hey, I got some kewl home movies I'd like to release. Have X69's people call my people....
November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.
if u have home movies take em to Americas Funniest Home Videos and show ur true stupidity to the nation.
please explain to me how a movie on imdb, can b a home video.
brr8760 Ill watch your home moviez but I wont watch
americas funiest home videos that show is lame
hey sub
stfu please, if u have nothing to say on topic, stfu.
arent there enuff ppl here already that make posts that make no sense whatsoever. be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Opinions are like azzholes, everyones got one, and yours stinks.
I haven't seen this yet, I was curious since theres no jpeg and even the imdb doesnt have any info...
The movie is Direct-to-Video in September, and is going to be called 'The Court'.
It has one of the guys from Onyx, and the black guy from Night Court in it.
You can get a summary of the entire movie from in the press kits section.
The press kit is intended for reviewers, etc. and kinda ruins the movie if you read it, it basically tells the entire story beginning to end.
...and co-incidenently one of the co-producers used to write the skits on America's Funniest Home Videos.
Hope this helps some of you decide if you want to d/l this or not cause it took a while to actually hunt down some info on this movie.
pretty good quality. Seen better qualities for screeners but for a first release? Looks good.
No complaint. Thanks for the release!
if this movie has anything to do with anyone associated with
americas funniest home videos than this movie must umm
suck donkey balls
beh o well no jpeg, shit movie, HEY its all good. o ya can u blive this hist " The news has been buzzing around for the last couple of days that Representative Berman, whose palm has been crossed with silver by the entertainment industry, would introduce a bill permitting copyright holders to hack or DoS people allegedly distributing their works without permission. Well, the bill has been introduced - read it and weep. Although the bill wouldn't allow copyright owners to alter or delete files on your machine, they would be allowed to DoS you in essentially any other way. Let me restate that: the MPAA and RIAA are asking that they be allowed to perform what would otherwise be federal and state criminal acts and civil torts, and you will have essentially no remedy against them under any laws of the United States. " I think thats some major fucking bull shit, you can check that article out at
Ok, since only 1 post its actually a review. Let me throw my thoughts out.
1. This is a low budget limited release, its meant to look the way it does.
2. Am i the only one that thinks this is an unfinished copy, perhapse not even a scr (vhs source but doesn't make it a scr) ?
3. The QUALITY of the release. Video isn't bad, its probably a little below average a few small glitches nothing too big. Audio is shocking at times and changes pitch, Audio is really dull and bassy for the first 13 odd minutes then all of a sudden fixes itself up (funnily enough right as they put the ear plug back in louey's ear) its continues being ok until about the 50min mark when it goes all dull and bassy again and remains that way for the duration of the movie. Movie is very down to earth and typical of the way things would happen and worth the watch if you like the less commercial limited release such as i do.
hope this actually helps somebody since everybody else was more concerned that it wasn't filmed with a 100,000$ camera.
"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his additude" - Flutterby
"K meet of a the have we come in" - fisher @ SummaDayze '04, wtf?
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