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-- The Rats *LiMiTED* - SCREENER - tNB (
:: Don't think movies get released in Asia?? Don't think there are asians around the world. No need to flame, just deal with it ok. -cx
Wtf is the rats? Is it about like mutant rats or something? I love these type of movies
nice clip
good work
For those who care, I dug up the IMDB Url for you:
looks real good though i got it as a .avi.........converting it back now...gotta love them lil tiities in the beggining!!
is this film a remake or summin
As i remember a film called rats that was released in the early 80's where the rats become mutants and grow to such a size that they eat a young baby that was left alone for a minute and was snatched from the high chair (i have the original somewhere)
and they made this awful screetching noises, if i remember right they came from the sewers where someone dumped chemicals hense they grow to the size of a big cat
I was never caught!
quality was great. but movie was not. on the same lines as 8-legged freaks. really no point. i cant believe it got such a high movie rating. worth it to watch it for free...but not worth any$ at all.
watching it now, skimmed through watching bits and peices to check out the quality, nice scr, can't see any probs.
"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his additude" - Flutterby
"K meet of a the have we come in" - fisher @ SummaDayze '04, wtf?
Watch it on tv in USA
Showing on Fox(national) tonight at 8 pm pacific time.
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