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Posted by opso on 11-29-2002 03:38 PM:

Does the nfo kinda look like Ateam?(not Sayin it is so no need to cry)

Posted by tadmaz on 11-29-2002 03:44 PM:

The title is Treasure Planet not Treaser Planet!

Posted by MiNiSTRY on 11-29-2002 03:48 PM:

Hmm... So this is A-TEAM's fake group or what?

Posted by Ren on 11-29-2002 04:02 PM:

lets nuke it




Posted by CinapS on 11-29-2002 04:02 PM:

oh yes this is a-team trust me gay as shit -- lol holla at your boy exalt -- lol

Posted by Tyrant on 11-29-2002 04:08 PM:

lol this is some funny shit. Not only can they NOT spell correctly, but if you look in the NFO file it says they were gonna release it on the 26, so they called this PRE and they just released it. You guys need to check shit beofre releasing. Forking n00by groups!!!

Posted by aXs-SVCD on 11-29-2002 04:12 PM:

Is It me or the name of the movie is wrong?? i think they trying to bring out "Treasure Planet" or "Teaser Planet" Mmmmm sounds like some movie made by AlamDV2 home made with 2 childern!

Ok Just got the Sample, Its Very blury, and u can hear little kids talking. Its Very Poor Quality, and Sound u can tell when i say CAM

Lets See What's New Today

OK, Please Stop asking for Movies, and Go and find it.

Posted by j0h2n on 11-29-2002 04:33 PM:

nukenukenuke .

Posted by SeeDee on 11-29-2002 06:03 PM:


Oh dear

Posted by krazyfoo on 11-29-2002 06:06 PM:

/me smacks aXs-SVCD ...

dont lie.. uknow AlamDV2 is the shit

NFO Jones stole my bike

Posted by THE_DREAM on 11-29-2002 06:22 PM:

wtf is this a new group or what? b4 i put my vote in im going to take a look at the sample and im going to find out if this is a new group or not. just hope that i can find it lol.

Posted by killerman on 11-29-2002 06:30 PM:


damn newbies , wtf are u to nuke a release by webforum lmao!

Posted by THE_DREAM on 11-29-2002 07:31 PM:

damm i went through hell finding this rls. well its not that bad as i thought i would be and i still dont know if this is a new group or not. the sound is cammish and the pic is pretty good. since it was labled as a cam i'll judge it as a cam.

Posted by VCDz on 11-29-2002 08:17 PM:

I might download this for the kids heh.

VCDz = Xilf .

Originally posted by viv
Hi! i�m new...aand i�ve a question:
What means a TEG-vcd
do i need a special codec to watch "teg-vcd�s"?

Posted by neatz on 11-29-2002 08:40 PM:

Treasure.Planet.CAM-INFOFIX-sWs i guess non of ya seen that ..lmao next time look they seemed to fix it all lol

Posted by revolution-x on 11-30-2002 12:02 AM:


this is definatly a-team!!!
[email protected] or something is sws and a-teams email so they are the same ppl

Posted by OzZyOz on 11-30-2002 12:15 AM:


Posted by THE_DREAM on 11-30-2002 12:29 AM:

well i got the answer that everyone was waiting for hehe.. hmm i've found out this group is not a-team but i've heard one of the guys that was involve with them probably is in the current gtoup. i heard this guy was the blacksheep of a-team. so him and a couple of guys got together and formed sWs..

by the way what does that shit means? ( sWs )...

Posted by neatz on 11-30-2002 12:45 AM:

so basicaly ateam is dead gone as what i hear 2
they had some lamers i hear but anyways good job and get back to the swing of things let qvd do there own thing lol... they wont last anyways like u guys will...

Posted by IrcOp on 11-30-2002 03:05 AM:

Lets see what a old a-team mber can tell you. First thing A-Team is Dead Yes the Guy who starte sws blacksheep no try just some normal dude. His supplier gets the same exact dvd bootleg copies that ftf gets. They dont cam shit. They lost that guy. And its a few a-team members in sws. And dont be fooled for a minute that a-team had alot of lame members. Try the fact the founder thinks he is god and cant keep calm so he fucks every thing up for them all the time. Now that i got that off my chest. dont expect any difrent from SwS as you did from A-Team because it will be the same old bullshit.

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