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Posted by DoGGy on 12-14-2002 01:29 AM:

what the hell is this?¿

Posted by opso on 12-14-2002 01:49 AM:

I actually had a chance to watch this at a IMAX theater good stuff if you like a Extreme/Show time type stuff grab this badboy. I'm going to grab this to watch again.

Posted by scousethief on 12-14-2002 03:22 AM:

How about Star trek ??

Posted by metaLmusiC on 12-14-2002 03:31 AM:

hard to believe that the 1st release of this was a screener this movie has been out forever but thanks for the release since no one else released it.

Posted by [dj-mike] on 12-14-2002 03:58 AM:


Posted by lucium on 12-14-2002 12:51 PM:


good release ECO, now if only u'd stop with the stupid *real propers*

Posted by opso on 12-15-2002 12:32 AM:

Dunno I my self thought there should be a proper of the flick where tNB they had there proper fucked up with out of sync and other gayness not sound and picture and I beilve if this is there first *real* proper other then there 8mile release witch needed a proper so if they didn't proper you would had TCF's proper after that so eather way it was going to be properd. I can see if its a shitty proper to be bitching about but I think this is a good proper attempt.

Posted by Kalebson on 12-15-2002 05:10 AM:

interesting for kids, they love tony..thx for the rls

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