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-- Farscape S04E12 *PDTV* *WS* *SVCD* - TV - FOV (

Posted by professional on 01-03-2003 12:31 PM:

from the .nfo "Digital Satellite" - do they think we're stupid or what? Thats clearly from DTT...

aigh.. can't even work out whats what from the naming convention now

Happy New Year anyway

Posted by cofferscuffs on 01-08-2003 09:37 PM:

why do you think it must be from DTT? PDTV can be done from digital satellite in uk too....


Posted by professional on 01-09-2003 02:25 AM:

I doubt you'll say, but "how"? An overview would be nice, don't need any in-depth details...

Anyone could capture an episode and claim its PDTV - how are people to believe this if no proof is shown?

In the US its common knowledge, in the UK its a bit of voodoo it seems.

Looking at some groups claims to be PDTV from Sky you can tell from the encode its not. It might be a nice encode, but its not PDTV.

Then again that just shows really that the label "PDTV" doesn't actually mean much anymore - as mentioned in previous threads its just too vague.

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