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Posted by Azzkicker on 01-18-2003 01:02 AM:


Posted by backoff on 01-18-2003 01:09 AM:

Hmmm ESOTERiC hasnt been doing well on their TS's lately, but who knows this may be great. I will respond when I see a sample.

Posted by Beaster on 01-18-2003 01:16 AM:

lol first guy to vote votes 1,1,1 lol kinda hard to hide that!!! moron... getting sample now will rate when its done

watched sample, i guess i am used to all the dvd scr's, but this is definitly watchable, 6\5\?

Posted by nvr on 01-18-2003 01:16 AM:

Guess were back to the TS's again. Not too bad from sample and I wanna see this movie!


Posted by rappa on 01-18-2003 01:21 AM:

picture is slanted, sound is pretty nice, not an amazing telesync, definetly a silver, 5/5

RoLL That Shit
Smoke That Shit
Pass That Shit

Posted by semaj8686 on 01-18-2003 01:25 AM:

Saw JPEG and decided to get the sample...Not too bad..pretty watchable. will wait for proper or maybe even longer for screener or dvd scr.

Posted by n0th1ng on 01-18-2003 01:33 AM:

watchable and thats all....dont dl if you wnat quality

Posted by THING on 01-18-2003 01:51 AM:

i've just grab the sample and this is almost as bad as the other three. eso i really like u guys a lot but come on u guys are starting to make ftf look good. where are the ts groups at? come to the rescue and realese something plz. because esoteric is not the same

Posted by likwid8 on 01-18-2003 01:51 AM:

Yes maybe a proper would be needed

Posted by blitzed on 01-18-2003 01:52 AM:


i thought ftf was gone judging from the slanted crop on this thing i say esoteric is the new ftf damm what you guys would do for $$$$$$$$$$

Posted by hoozdapimp on 01-18-2003 02:06 AM:

wtf...4.5 only? i think we have all gotten a little to used to dvd scr's...get used to the TS's again, screener season is coming to a halt.

Posted by Rep- on 01-18-2003 02:22 AM:

the slant is noticable, but doesn't effect the movie THAT much. Its pretty clear and the sound is decent too. A little dark and the slant but thats all. You guys seem to think there will be a dvd screener in 2 weeks of this movie or something. Well guess what, there won't. This will most likely be about as good as they get, maybe, just MAYBE, we will get a UTi or TCF version of it, but this isn't half bad. Those screeners are spoiling you guys! After watching CD1, I must admit, the movie is stupid, with Martin Lawrence's typical slapstick homor. heh

Posted by OldSchool on 01-18-2003 02:53 AM:

Thumbs up

This is a lot less cammy than a lot of the "TS"s lately. Picture is decent, and sound is a little hollow but still very understandable. For a TS: 6/5

Posted by eminemfan898 on 01-18-2003 03:55 AM:

a new slanted ts of this movie. looks good . who knows if ill pick it up.

Posted by bmvtoys on 01-18-2003 04:17 AM:

Picture is fine on this release, but the audio is terrible...the first few minutes of the movie have audio disappearing and reappearing. You may wanna wait till the audio is fixed to d/l this movie..

Posted by gslicedivx on 01-18-2003 05:32 AM:

looks like average telesync....thanks for the release though

Posted by OzZyOz on 01-18-2003 06:14 AM:

this isn't no fucking 5/5/? u fucking people dvd scr's are gone out the fucking window shit u fucking vote on this like its a shitty TS and its a totaly fucking watchable one shit welcome back to the fucking world of TS!

Posted by brr8760 on 01-18-2003 07:11 AM:

Watched the first ten minutes. Serious audio problems, including sync and disappearing sound. Okay picture. Hope something better comes out. Props for speed.

Also, based on the first ten minutes, Martin Lawrence is a jaw-droppingly racist mo'fo'. His "crazy black man who hates whitey" schtick is in full bloom here.

Edit: CD2 starts out great -- real nice picture, not bad sound.

November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.

Posted by a1catraz on 01-18-2003 08:43 AM:

Originally posted by backoff
Hmmm ESOTERiC hasnt been doing well on their TS's lately, but who knows this may be great. I will respond when I see a sample.


1st of all..why u postin if u havnt seen the sample in da first place?
2ndly of all.. wesb0b was most likly fukin around
3rdly of all.. for slant 5.5/6/5


Posted by 100%nUkE! on 01-18-2003 08:56 AM:

hey-the pic and sound is like the usual silver-esoteric releases - watchable but not better than 6/5/?.......(while 6 is max )

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