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-- Jackass The Movie *PROPER* - SCREENER - TDi (
nuked everywhere for dupe of TCF.
this release was not needed
Actually it was since TCF's had some Sync probs, anyway, good job at posting what you thought of the movie, wait a sec, you didn't all you did was post more vcdq bullshit. Anyway,
Better than Tcf's, but cmon TDi, you guys aint spose to have nfo's!
'Tis a good release, nice sound, nice audio, seems cleaner than TCF's, but apparently not needed, and rather late.
TCF's was actually missing part of the ending (the hilarious "Son Of Jackass" bit), hopefully this version has it.
Anybody know whether this has the son of jackass bit at the end? That's what I really want to know. All that information in the nfo and they couldn't tell us whether it was there or not?
sugar and spice is just a bluff,
you can tell me baby: what is that stuff?
prepered the other screener release
:: If i was able to understand this, i might of deleted it -rP
A little uh...belated, and not needed. I got my SVCD TS an thats all i need till the DVD comes out.
No way im wasting my time and bw and cds on a DUPE!
Anyways, 7/8/10!!
*IMO* Bit sharper and a bit more colour than TCF's rls.
JaCkAsS KiCkS AsS PeRiOd.
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by nkotb_lover
Anybody know whether this has the son of jackass bit at the end? That's what I really want to know. All that information in the nfo and they couldn't tell us whether it was there or not?
Isnt there a retail release coming out within a few days, seen people offering it.
Originally posted by bigcheder
"and this is the first version to include the sons of jackass skit."
from their nfo, so yes it does contain it, maybe u didnt read the whole thing?
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by CaptainPooHat
Thats nowhere in the nfo.
screeners have no place in the scene and youd think a "well renound" group such as tcf wouldnt resort to hotels for their source. Theirs includes shitty, pixelated video and bad sound, so anyway heres a real screener, with much better video audio and this is the first version to include the sons of jackass skit. We took a sample from the opening scene, but shortly after credits a small non-intrusive counter starts (at the bottom right). Just to prove to you guys that these are screeners you'll see similar sources from rsp, ourselves, uti and others aka groups producing real screeners all the time).Tehy will look like this:
OK, i stand corrected. I looked at the nfo in uh.. its nfo mode the first time i looked at it. After opening it in notepad, i see the bottom bar is about a quarter inch wide lol. So yah, i guess somebody forgot to hit the enter key a few times.
My humble apologies. -CPH
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by semaj8686
everyone has said what i was going to say so i wont say it...
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
Originally posted by submarine
nuked everywhere for dupe of TCF.
this release was not needed
"If somebody said to me, in twelve years you’ll be in a band with your brother and two carrot munching geezers who don’t like football, I would've said 'fuck off, I’m not joining the Bee Gees." -Noel Gallagher 2005
This looks like one of the better releases of this movie. It looks alot better than the tcf version. I'd go and get it but my ISP is about to cut my internet off...
As much as i hate the movie but love the group i give this rls a 6/7/1 . TDi Rls's are usually much better than this. I wanna see you rls like you guys used to. Props anyway TDi.
The 3rd fuck up by TDi today, what's up with you guys? This release is a bit sharper than TCF's (video wise) but it's even more pixelated than there's (I compared the opening scene with the TCF copy I have, check out the pixelated faces especially the midget in the sample when they are going down the hill. It's even more pixelated than the previous version). The sound is about the same so I don't know where TDi got the bad sound reason from. And the dvd is due in a month so that makes this release even more worthless.
Waking.Up.In.Reno.LiMiTED.SCREENER-TDi <- dark, ghosting, too much red, and a month and a half from retail
Snipes.LiMiTED.DVDRip.SVCD-TDi <- bad ivtc, out of sync
Jackass.The.Movie.PROPER.SCREENER-TDi <- nothing proper about this proper besides sharper video, dvd due in 1 month so predvd will probably be here anytime now.
Is this what happens to good groups when Academy season is over? I really don't care where the source comes from as long as it's a good release. A screener is a screener, they're all mastered from the production studio but distributed in different forms.
hahaha, i think its funny that the Video of this release has a 6.8 rating out 10, where as the video rating of Centropy's Daredevil gets a 7.6 out of 10... hmm, jackass 6.8, centropys daredevil 7.6
something is terribly wrong with these ratings..
:: They are rated in different categories.. a TS is rated on picture quality as a TS and a screener rated as a screener.. cant compare the two together -FuzZ
Moany People
k this is my first post but ive been a user of vcd quality for years.Id just like to say excellent site no1 could survive without it, but i would also like to comment on everyone that moans, granted im not shooting you down you all have the right to your opinion, but stop moaning.I hear it all the time, oh the release is too late, oh there was no need for this release, oh the last one was better. These groups go through all the trouble to release good stuff and they just get shot down by everyone, well i think this release is great along with many others.The work that goes into this stuff is unbelievable & to top it all of ITS FREE.I personally cant see how anyone can justify critisizing releases, give your opinion by all means wether it is worth downloading or not, but dont moan about it........
This was not needed, sure the TCF version didn't have the Son of Jackass bit but is that enough to warrant a proper, especially if the video/sound quality on both are nearly the same.
That is just my opinion based on the samples from each (TCF/TDi) version. Myself, I kept the CTP TS, good enough for me until a DVD-Rip comes out.
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