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Posted by pezley on 04-24-2003 12:12 PM:

very nice release........

audio seems fine .... as usual for a tcf screener

picture seems a bit nicer than usual....... just a tad dark ?! which isnt a problem

film is awsome.......... just as good as the first ...... owen wilson is the f'n man in both of em

so...... as far as a screener goes...... 8/8/9 ( im a sucker for this movie :P )

as i said just a tad dark

Posted by flex0r on 04-24-2003 01:09 PM:

Cool nice work TCF

watched the sample and its again a nice release from TCF, little pixelated when camera moves quick but very true colors and crisp sound, overall very nice scr.


Posted by jmur on 04-24-2003 01:57 PM:

a very nice screener indeed. the picture is very good, but like flex0r said, a little pixelated at times. audio is very good also. thats a nice release right there, and then you add widescreen to it, and poof, a perfect vhs screener.

Posted by hellraiseruk on 04-24-2003 04:07 PM:

Best Release of it yet..Cheerz TCF always bringing the goods

Posted by MQ-James on 04-24-2003 04:13 PM:

quite nice slightly pixelated and very when camera moves fast but best one so far 7/7/?

Posted by Smurf Boy on 04-24-2003 04:34 PM:

Very nice looking screener, slightly pixelated but nice colors and good video. Audio is nice and clear just like a screener should be. Even though the dvd will probably be out in a few weeks or so, screeners are always welcome. 8/8/?

Posted by parasiticgann on 04-24-2003 04:40 PM:

Originally posted by Smurf Boy
Very nice looking screener, slightly pixelated but nice colors and good video. Audio is nice and clear just like a screener should be. Even though the dvd will probably be out in a few weeks or so, screeners are always welcome. 8/8/?

Sorry bro, not until July 15, This screener is very early, we got a few months to wait. props to tcf. I gotta agree with you on the quality smurf boy 8/8/? I still havn't seen this movie yet, always wanted to, but to lazy to search. lol. Later dudez

Posted by flipp0r on 04-24-2003 05:01 PM:

Thumbs up

Awesome SCR.
WS is much appreciated. I watched CD1 of the TS awhile ago and gave up because of the blue tint..

This rls == top notch
Slighty pixelated during fast motion scenes
overall video quality = *uNF*
Audio is loud and clear
8/9/i lub asian girls

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

Posted by LiQuIdMuNkY on 04-24-2003 05:13 PM:

Yah flipp0r, you love anything that walks tho...Video is quite pixelated, but decent enough to watch, avd screener audio, good rls.


I dont know, whats a good sig?

Posted by rappa on 04-24-2003 06:26 PM:

yaa nice rls, too bad the movie sucked cuz of that guy with the nose, i dotn even know his name, i just call him nose. i mean comeon u get payed ATLEAST 1mil to make a movie, spend a few grand and fix that thing u call a nose.damn. 8/8/2..if the nose guy wasnt there id give it a 6 cuz jackie chan is a cool guy.

RoLL That Shit
Smoke That Shit
Pass That Shit

Posted by Apathetic on 04-24-2003 06:33 PM:


pixelated, but definately best release out

Posted by bryehn on 04-24-2003 06:54 PM:

it's about freakin time

i've been waiting for a decent copy of this, and here it is...happy to see it WS as well. TCF Screeners are fast becoming a staple in my collection. great work indeed.


Posted by Mr_Grinch on 04-24-2003 07:28 PM:

I could have sworn there was a dvd screener of this! Oh well, guess I imagined it.

Could quality screener, clear pic, good sound.

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 04-24-2003 07:43 PM:

Thanks TCF This Is Great To Hold Me Over Till DvD... 8/8/8...



Posted by MovieDownloader on 04-24-2003 08:06 PM:

Watched the sample and must say that picture quality is really good, very crisp and clean for a VHS source and WS makes it even better. Audio is fine but guess it would be hard to mess that bit up.

Wondering if anyone who has got the full release can tell me wether there is any screener messages or B/W scenes.

Posted by meadowdale on 04-24-2003 09:12 PM:

Why is it time and time again people vote on the fuckin movie without even downloading and watching ?
anyway 7/7/6

::Who are you talking to? If your talking to me, i watched the ctp version, and the nose guy is horrible, he kills the movie.

Posted by Senic on 04-24-2003 09:37 PM:

Good shit 8/9/7

Posted by elpale1 on 04-24-2003 09:50 PM:

Good rls. But a little to late eh.

:: Late? -FuzZ::

Posted by daizepam on 04-24-2003 10:20 PM:

no screener blurred serials. good audio/visual qual (slight pixelation during action scenes dont faze me)
in other words... MUSTGRAB.

major props TCF. your No.1.

My Lexicon

Posted by Dune on 04-24-2003 11:17 PM:

great screener tcf no black and white scenes no blurred serials no watermarks of any kidn perfect just perfect do a repack of tears of the sun like this one and thatd kick ass!!!! although that tears of the sun did kick ass except for the annoying watermark but this release is great 8/9/7 this is a pretty funny movie i cant wait to se what they got planned for the third one

Children Of Dune RULED

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