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Posted by firefighter on 06-06-2003 06:49 AM:

Alright Copy - Great to see TCF pulling all these releases while the scene is a little dry - Picture is a *bit* faded and A Little Blurry but Much better then past copies, Sounds Excellent. Got the typical For Sceening Scrolling along the bottom ... cant complain, but bright side , no screener counter. Nice Job TCF!


All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!

Posted by jmur on 06-06-2003 07:47 AM:

Originally posted by capturia
I thinkk for the 1st time in a few months, my FTP has only been moving under 30 gigs a day. Nice to relax, but I do miss my movies.

and the reason for you posting is....??????


nice screener...buuuuut i think ill pass on the release..not a big fan of piglet, but props to tcf anyways.


Posted by aXs-SVCD on 06-06-2003 07:54 AM:

Sweet movie, liked it as a child and now kids at home likes it too sweet Quality good sound and specialy its one CD

Worth Downloading if you have a kid or two or few

Lets See What's New Today

OK, Please Stop asking for Movies, and Go and find it.

Posted by Butch on 06-06-2003 07:56 AM:

*from sample*

Oh thanks a lot TCF.My daughter is obsessed with the PMDTV version,this will make her day.Especially as this doesn't hit UK cinema's until mid August.Scrolling text doesn't mean a thing to her
Video 8
Audio 8
Film 10 (rated by my 4 year old daughter)


Posted by Jc100 on 06-06-2003 08:22 AM:

I feel so lonely. ABout time i get a pre sample for once from some folks ;/ . Cries . This lil fuzzy but sample didnt look bad. Not the best tcf but im sure the kids wont mind. Sound was good from sample and pic a bit fuzzy.. so id give it like a 7

Posted by XeroFightsAlo on 06-06-2003 08:53 AM:

grab this one for your kids, 8/8/8

soda box

Posted by GeNeTiX on 06-06-2003 09:23 AM:

im 28 and i'll be grabbing this one. i love pooh and his simple minded blabbering. come to think of it, sounds like some people on this forum.
this release looks like an ok quality VHS, a bit blurred, sound is superb.
props to TCF keep the screeners coming


Posted by Butch on 06-06-2003 01:22 PM:

*From Film*

I'm a get snuffed cause I aint said enough to pipe down, I pipe down when the fuckin white house it wiped out, when I see that little ... dyke get sniped out, lights out bitch, aud-oss, goodnight now put that in your little pipe and bite down, think for a minute cause the hype had died down, that I wont go up in the oral office right now, and flip whatever aint tied down upside down
i'm all for America, fuck the government, tell that C. Delores Tucker slut to suck a dick, motherfucker a duck, what the fuck, son of a bitch, take away my gun, i'm gonna talk some other shit, cant tell me shit about the tricks of this trade, switch blade with a little switch to switch blades and switch from a 6 to a 16 inch blade, the shits like a samari sword, a sensei

Simon and Garfunkel don't make music like they used to !.

Bit Blurry Picture.Cropped the scrooling text out of it so's it don't annoy her.Sweet little film.
video 8
audio 8
film (she says 10)


Posted by chrisandcebu on 06-06-2003 05:05 PM:

Originally posted by XeroFightsAlone
grab this one for your kids, 8/8/8

Yes, been waiting for a half-decent version of this to come available for my little one. Thanks again TCF

Posted by bizdady on 06-06-2003 05:11 PM:

Re: *from sample*

Originally posted by Butch
Oh thanks a lot TCF.My daughter is obsessed with the PMDTV version,this will make her day.Especially as this doesn't hit UK cinema's until mid August.Scrolling text doesn't mean a thing to her
Video 8
Audio 8
Film 10 (rated by my 4 year old daughter)

lol my daughter seems to agree as well, quality seems good, sure to please your kids with this one

Posted by drMabuse on 06-06-2003 08:01 PM:

Looks nice to me and the kids loved it, even they wouldnt watch the cam version before but this is nice, yes it is a little and I mean little bit blurry but I doesnt annoy. Crop the text out and you got a sweet rip, nice audio and a decent film too, if you like winnie the pooh stuff that is..

Posted by LOLobo on 06-08-2003 02:02 AM:

Sample says......

Video - 8
Audio - 8
Movie - ?

My boy had never been into pooh, we'll see what he thinks.

I had my doubts about d/l, however, with this much praise for the flick, I'm in.

Posted by El_Gringo23 on 06-08-2003 04:22 AM:

8/8/ has anyone else downloaded the full movie? I did but it looks like its missing the end of the film.....anyone else have that problem or was my download bad?

Posted by mary on 06-08-2003 06:02 AM:

"Piglet's Big Movie"

It's a good movie. nice good songs by Richard and Robert Sherman. A nice film for the whole family!

Posted by djjase on 06-08-2003 06:20 PM:

Great quality until DVD is released in a few weeks. My daughter loves this movie and the previous version was poor. We watched it together on the TV and PC. I rate my movies by how the look on the TV not the PC.


<font size=2 font color="Black" face="Impact">3.0 mbit connection $1.25 a day
CD-R's $0.30 a piece
Popcorn $1.00 per bag
Soda $0.42 a can
Watching a movie for free on the comfort of my own couch not matter who released it - PRICELESS!!!

Stop fucking bitching and go to theatre then you fucking dumbasses...</font><br>

Posted by params on 06-09-2003 12:45 PM:

Only just got round to getting this - nice screener quality - I agree with above that the colour is a bit faded and slightly burred but this will please the kids no end

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