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nice rip
audio seems mono to me..but thats cause i'm half deaf, and i have fked up headphones
can anyone confirm this?
So noted. Audio is real low, but just amp your speakers. FS release but not bad from sample.
Good job TcS! And WS Too!! But really audio is low? Sux0rz...just increase volume no biggy! TcS, nicely done!!
9/9/8 Heard from different people that it was a good movie...others said it was OK...I have to see for myself!! Trialer looked good though!
*From Sample"
Nice release of a good film that is about to be released in the UK.Yes OK the sound is really low but simply turning up the volume solves that surprisingly enough.
Haven't seen this movie yet, thanks to this release, I'll be able to Good video, but I had to turn up the speakers on the PC when I listened to the sample. Although the sound is soft, through decent speakers turned up a bit, the clarity is good.
Cheers to TcS
8/7/- watchin this one too!
Ignorance Is Bliss. An Example -
Originally posted by platinum_bomb
Dude, It wasn't there and still isn't... I was waiting to see what the pic looked like cuz the release was up, but there was no pic and i didn't find the sample, mo fo. Don't make me come and tie ur arms to ur chair and beat u silly with your own keyboard
Will edit this after i get it.
just grabbed the sample
video looks good, as mentioned audio is a little bit low, I'm not sure if that's for the entire movie or just for that particular scene in the sample
its still a fine release regardless, just have to turn up the volume a little bit louder than normal
good job tcs
Originally posted by Jc100
So noted. Audio is real low, but just amp your speakers. FS release but not bad from sample.
They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
Good sample, I'd say. 9/8/?.
only complaint so far, why cant ppl edit cue?
Audio is TraDGIC...
I guess the ripper has never heard of using Auto Gain. Turned my speakers up on the comp and still could barely hear what the hell was being said, even while people were yelling. Comes out in a few weeks, might just hold off and rip this one myself.
:werd: on the volume.... Really low volume.. Nothing that's already been stated above.. Video is nice unfortunately, you can barely hear the movie..
watched this yesterday... picture quality is top notch, audio is horrible, had to keep raising the volume for talking scenes and lowering it in fighting scenes... the movie itself is pure crap. you're all retarded if you liked this movie. they stole the premis and scenes from courage under fire and sneakers and mixed it with a notch of indiana jones, with horrible acting by EVERYONE.
And my God could the ending change any more?
well the sound may be low but thats why they have the volume button, on my standalone it was perfect, only part where sound was a problem was when travolta tried to stick the guys head into the propeller.
the movie was not bad, but I was wondering, at the end of the movie I had some problems, the audio came 5 seconds before the video, did all of u guys get that???
Video = good
Audio = fair / voice audio too low / effects audio (ie. explosions, gunfire) too loud - must've been mixed down wrong from the DVD
Movie = an interesting mystery with lots of plot twists
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