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wee telecine
:: ban next time -M$
great, too bad about the sync tho
pretty nice TC
well i usually get outta sync audio on most of the samples i get so i wont no if this is outta sync till i grab cd1 but audio is good
video is nice, a lil dark but good
::edit didnt read the nfo..::
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
better quality than the ctp rls... but whats the point of gettin this.. just wait for a dvdscr...
definitely looks much better than all the othe previous rls. good job on the audio too. the ctp audio was by far the most clear.
colors are pretty vibrant also
8/8 tc rating
They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
looks good. audio is clear, but obviously desynched (as said in the nfo)
slight ghosting towards the begining of the sample towards the left though.
anyways, its nice to see this release get out, but i dunno if i can sit through a partially out-of-sync version of this shitty movie.
props to replica.
flipp0r I disagree I liked the APM sound better, the CTP sound was a bit hollow
?sdrawkcab ffuts gnidaer etah uoy t'noD
noone here knows if a dvd screener will even be produced for this movie.. so stop all the "wait for dvdscr" shit in every thread for this movie.. next time i see it that person gets the special fuzzy treatment
"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"
Nice quality, for a telecine. 7/7/9, I checked the sample and the sound did not seem out of sync to me, but i will have to check the release.
Originally posted by Blackwolf
Was the audio synced with the CTP telesync release or from the dolby 5.1 soundtrack they used in the dvdr release? hopefully the 5.1 sound track
Badass Rls... I like the audio... Its pretty good IMO... Video is great for a TC... Thats after scanning through CD1
The quality of the picture isn't bad. the colors seem a little too high in contrast but it is better than the ctp rls. duh, its a TC. They picked a great scene for the sample. If you have good speakers(surround/stereo) then you will appreciate the scene selected on the sample because when the guns start firing it's like an ORGY OF SOUND. You can hear where every gun is coming from. its freakin awesome!
nice video, a little bright but not too bad. as far as the audio sync issue, barely noticable...this release will do me just fine till a DVD scr/retail
did anyone else notice a slight flicker? i may be just seeing things
Props go out to Replica for this release... by far the nicest release of Matrix Reloaded.... too bad it was a dvd screener or dvdrip. Oh well... this also nice.
*From CD1*
Where do i start?.I have seen 6 releases of this film now before this one and until now obviously the CTP DVD-r was the best (and SVCD).I would say this release is better by only by a very small amount.The Sample was from where i would estimate to be the end of CD2 and was totally out of sync.CD1 was 100% fine at the beginning apart from the flicker when the titles were coming up,the sound goes completely out of sync towards the end of CD1 when Neo is talking to the Oracle.From this can we now expect either CD2 and CD3 to be comletely out of sync or like CD1 will they be ok at first and go towards the end of each one?.The picture is pretty dark,quite the same as CTP's version.Also when Morpheus is asking another ship to wait for a message from the oracle before the first fight scene with the agents the film freezes for a split second before resuming.
I'm going to upset the masses now and say there isn't that much difference between this and CTP's SVCD T/S!.
The picture isn't great,the sound is brilliant but when audio is out of sync it really annoys me.I don't think i'll resume cd3 if cd2 appears to be the same as CD1.
Oh and before i aam flamed to death the last time i reviewed a release of Reloaded i was inundated with PM's from newbie's asking if i could help them find where to d/l it from.If i get anymore of these PM's i will be forwarding them to administation and they can deal with them as they wish.
On the sample - colour is okay but the contrast and depth is a bit muggy. However, this beats the CTP version due to NO ANGLE problems (well, of course, it's a Telecine...) which is a major issue in my eyes.
Sound is clear but there are sync issues... those with Xbox's like me will have no trouble changing the sync via the Media Player as it plays to fix this
I watched the sample using winDVD and the audio sync was fine.Downloading cd 1 now.
video nice, audio desynced in parts as stated in nfo, overall decent release, but not needed in my opinion.
Originally posted by SycoCowz
flipp0r I disagree I liked the APM sound better, the CTP sound was a bit hollow
Re: *From CD1*
Originally posted by Butch
Oh and before i aam flamed to death the last time i reviewed a release of Reloaded i was inundated with PM's from newbie's asking if i could help them find where to d/l it from.If i get anymore of these PM's i will be forwarding them to administation and they can deal with them as they wish.
You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.
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