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Posted by luckyluke80 on 09-25-2003 10:37 PM:

problems converting

ok i got the italian job cd1 dvdrip xvid deity.avi i use vdub to ectract the audio and then use tmpgenc to conver to svcd the problem is the result is that the sound is off and the video pauses every few min i have tried to rais ethe directshow setting too. anyone know why i have this problem..i don't know if i have a bad xvid codec..but i got charlies angles 2 with no problems coan someone give me a link to a good xvid codec that works well for them thanks!!!
o yea video is good and so is audio good rip!

Posted by FrightfoO on 09-30-2003 04:52 PM:

Did you check for bad frames, or was the movie downloaded via a secure-corrupt-less transfer? I usually save out the ac3 to WAV (16bit/44.1 or 48 depending on the source. I think TIJ is 48, but it doesn't really matter). Use GoldWave for this. Then use the original as Video source, and the saved out (already converted) WAV file as the Audio source and encode.

This is a superb encode DEiTY has done, absolutely superb. GREAT MOVIE TOO!

9/9/9 - Jackpot!

Posted by TexasRanger on 10-01-2003 05:46 PM:

problem playing

I downloaded the diety xvid of italian job and when i try to play it it windows media player, it opens then closes again right away. it shows the first frame but thats it. other xvid movies work for me but this happens with both parts of tij. any ideas?

Posted by Chris001 on 10-04-2003 04:22 AM:

@ Luckyluke80, extract the audio with vdub and rename the .wav to .ac3. Then convert the .ac3 to mp2 with Besweet and BesweetGUI (see for a guide). Use a bitrate calculator -> *Avi/(x)(s)vcd Bitrate Calculator* to calculate the bitrate and encode your movie with TMPGEnc. In the end multiplex the audio and video with TMPGEnc -> File -> MPEG Tools -> Simple Multiplex. Worked for me, excellent quality SVCD. Use google to find Besweet, BesweetGUI and the Avi/(x)(s)vcd Bitrate Calculator.

@ TexasRanger, try to play it with VideoLan, it plays almost everything including not complete and damaged files. Google it.

Excellent rip and movie. Especially Charlize Theron.

9/9/9 for me too.

Posted by cherzo on 10-09-2003 12:05 AM:

Good quality video and audio looks good on TV-out, movie was better than i thought it would be.


Posted by mod[e] on 10-09-2003 06:43 AM:


very good quality........very good audio.......and a superb movie!....i dont really get xvid but this is one of the best i've seen yet!.....

keep em coming deity?!?

Posted by nanaman on 10-10-2003 10:08 AM:


Excellent job from deity.

For those peeps with playback problems, I am using ffdshow and AC3 with good results. Hope that helps.

Posted by unique on 10-28-2003 02:54 AM:

awesome quality


didnt notice any pixelation whatsoever


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