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Posted by SeeDee on 10-14-2003 10:02 PM:

cannot comment from sample as it seems they have left the original nuked version on the repack.

On the off chance the sample is from the repack :

video = 5 jittery
audio = 2 90% on right channel
film = 8 watched esos rls. denzel in good form

Posted by Boralyl on 10-14-2003 10:29 PM:

I'd have to agree with the above post, the sample w/ the repack doesn't appear to be the repack. Video is jumpy, and pixelated, audio is good.
From the sample though,


Posted by DrunkMonk420 on 10-15-2003 01:09 AM:

i dont really see much of a difference.. i havent seen the movie, since it looks horrible.


Posted by djwhiplash2001 on 10-15-2003 06:35 AM:

Based on the sample, 6/6/x

BTW, if nobody thinks the quality is bad, why is it getting decent ratings? Random thought.

Posted by Boralyl on 10-15-2003 08:53 PM:

Originally posted by djwhiplash2001

BTW, if nobody thinks the quality is bad, why is it getting decent ratings? Random thought.

It's thought they didn't update the sample, and this is the sample before the repack, which is why audio is 90% in one speaker. I'll edit post after i check out cd 1. Cd 1's audio deffinetly only comes out of the right speaker, get the sWs version.
Video: 7
Audio: 5


Posted by dawgedogg on 10-15-2003 09:20 PM:

just finished watching the first 10 minutes of cd 1, and the first 10 minutes cd 2. The sound is coming out 1 speaker. The video seems very jumpy. The video is cropped a lot. Motion blur.

This is the best of the 3 as far as the colors go.

Video = 6
Audio = 4
Movie = 10 - This was excellent acting on everyone's part. One of the best movies this year.

Posted by FuZzYknUckLeS on 10-17-2003 05:17 PM:


PROPER my ass.
How can ya code 2 parts of a flik and get the audio so different on both?
Video quality is bout what you'd expect from a release of this type.
But man, n00b groups like this should leave their settings alone when they code the 2nd 1/2 of the flik, and should understand what the REAL meaning of 'proper' is, cause this aint.

audio=2 (cause its still audible)

Posted by hassali on 10-18-2003 12:23 AM:

i dont know why the ratings for this release are so high, coz the video is not clear! watching full screen on the tv, the pic becomes pixelated on certain scenes and ontop of that, the audio is quite poor, making it quite an unenjoyable experience to watch.

hence the reason why i only watched the first 10mins of the first cd.

video - 6
audio - 5

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