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-- The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King - SCREENER - RiNG (
Not exactly great. But as nfo says, it will do. Been a long time coming but will shut everybody up at last.
looks good for a WS Screener.
sounds qwite clear and picture is what u aspect from a vhs screener anyway think gonna wait for the dvdscr or think just gonna buy it when comes out still nice rls from a new rls group it seems even if this is only gonna be there only rls
decent screener, 7/8/10
why was this thread locked for a bit?
?sdrawkcab ffuts gnidaer etah uoy t'noD
*From Sample*
still nice rls from a new rls group
Originally posted by hellraiseruk
anyway think gonna wait for the dvdscr or think just gonna buy it when comes out
Awesome movie, can't wait for the DVDs...
I agree on the SVCD topic, these should be SVCD'ed.
Anyway, its just a screener, which is nothing to get all fucked in the head about. But, hey, if LOTR is your thing, more power to you...
Video is nice, widescreened, a little bit of pixelisation. 7
Audio is also nice, no buzz or distortion (at least on my standalone), but not perfect, its a VHS. 8.
Movie, didn't see, trying to avoid. ?
Not bad Screener.
Video is pixeled to the max!
Sound is clear tho.
I am waiting for dvdscr
I Just Want to Be like Radiohead, And do something ingenious.
Originally posted by EViL-EWoK
Not bad Screener.
Video is pixeled to the max!
Sound is clear tho.
I am waiting for dvdscr
Re-incarnated as evil overlord..
Originally posted by pjfan281
sure, a 7cd svcd =P
video and sound are both decent, id be happy to see a dvdscreener of this but I think its unlikely.
Re: *From Sample*
Originally posted by Butch
Doubt its a new release group , a release like this may be big news so a decent well known group has probably just released this under an assumed name
Ho hum
Most over-rated piece of trash trilogy finally comes to an end until the extended bullshit dvd's come out .
screeners nice if you are 5 years old and like these films .
Shoot me if you like but it should be SVCD 'cos it pixelates like crazy during the battle scene
anyone else have trouble playing this in PowerDVD? it goes crazy and skips like 5 minutes every second
all my other players play it fine
?sdrawkcab ffuts gnidaer etah uoy t'noD
Good copy. Should have at least processed the video as 23.976 though...
i SPEFICALLY DOWNLOADED CD 3... to check out their claim.. and yes its a bit pixelated BUT i bet any amount of money the tv will clean that right up.. a normal vhs screener for sure... and hey jack valenti can kiss our ass, because we got all the big budget movies now.. so =P eat that.. o and DONT SUE FUCKING CARMINE CARDIDI YOU ASSHOLES.... DUDE IS COOL FOR HOOKING THE SCENE UP..
ill give this a 6/6/10
phxmovies rocks
props to ring for being the first to break a screener... I know I've been waiting for it
*from sample*
video res is clearly vhs quality, but its fine. colors are nice. theres a flashing white line along the bottom, as though the tracking was a bit off. sound is average vhs fare, but certainly better than any ts so far, and I imagine it wont suffer from any mixing problems, seen especially in logistics release. the movie is great. if it doesnt get best picture it'll be a crime.
can anyone with the full thing tell me if the white thing on the bottom stays the whole way through? are there any text messages during the film?
I never met a beer I didnt drink
Perfectly acceptable release..... nice sound, nice colours, bit pixelated, but hey
props on getting it out .... somebody needed to do it to shut everyone up
everyone posting in this thread expect to get pm's regarding how to get it :P
white dot is there throughout movie.... and a property of message is displayed now and then
not the best of the trilogy, but whether you enjoy the films or not you have to respect everything peter jackson has done
This has been a long time coming, but was it worth the wait? You bet your as!
OK, so 'only' a VHS screener, but hey, it'll do me just nicely until it comes out proper & I can then buy it
Picture does pixelate from time to time, but it's not as bad as I was expecting.
Sound is very nice, all my speakers were booming!
Well done RiNG on getting it out. Very nice indeed
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