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-- Silver Hawk *SUBBED* *SVCD* - DVD SCR - HkM (

Posted by BLUE-NEO on 02-17-2004 07:31 AM:

Silver Hawk *Subbed* DVD Screener - DVD SCR - HkM

Are you f..king kidding me...yeeeeeeeess....the trailers on this f..king movie are off the hook. Michelle Yeoh's best movie since the touch. And the world is not enough..been waiting on it.. I was going to order it from Hans Entertainment. But Hey I get a dvdscreener Months before release..

Impressive DVDScreener..very impressive...

9/10/? Too bad you can't get the damn thing since its not served anywhere...

Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by Mystic Slippe on 02-17-2004 02:28 PM:

I <3 HkM.

Was going to get the DVDR of this, but think SVCD will do until retail.

TLF or whoever released a supposed retail DVD 2 weeks after rls should be nuked. This is the one to get.

Movie looks awesome.


Posted by prick on 02-18-2004 03:34 AM:

movie looks good sounds good to bad i dont understand japeneese

:: handy its *SUBBED* then eh -pHo

:: i think you mean Mandarin. not 'japeneese' lol. -M$

Posted by php on 02-18-2004 03:43 AM:

TLF or whoever released a supposed retail DVD 2 weeks after rls should be nuked. This is the one to get

why, what's wrong with the TLF release? why wasn't it even mentioned on vcdquality release list? I thought of downloading it, but I don't know anything about it - are there english subs included, or is it dubbed, what's the quality of that release?

:: taiwanese retail or something from memory. didn't get much praise i recall -pHo

:: what pHo said -M$

Posted by KrackZaa on 02-18-2004 05:49 PM:

yeah this looks good from sample, will be checkin this movie out for sure

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
It's been so hard
but I can't let it die
Turn my head up,
looking at the stars
So many years,
I still wonder where you are?
Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
Every day I ask myself why?
So much pain pouring
from inside
Above me I feel the spirit fly

Posted by dopeuser8 on 02-18-2004 09:45 PM:

the tlf release is not dubbed and comes with english subtitles

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