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I love this time of year. Coz it's the time when the movie world dishes up the festering, rotten cunt in the barrel.
You Got Served? Need i say more. Here's anotehr movie from the 'i'd rather pose for gay mags pulling my asshair' league.
As for the rls. Again, typical TCR. It's still off the mark from previous releases. But if you want this movie bad enough, this is the puppy to get.
Me, i'd rather be pulling my asshair out till i cry.
above average release
8/8/9 id say
the movie is fantastic, but dont expect it to be another super troopers since its not.
its not a horror movie parody either its an actual horror/comedy
very very good movie.. i PAYED For this one wth?!?
Pulling out ass hair is a dangerous sport.... so kids, dont copy mystic, hes a proffesional and is very well trained ...... but then if you need to... go ahead
anyways ... loads of motion blur... made me sick
below standard tcr release id say
cant be assed to turn speaker on so i cant rate audio...
6 ( just cause the immense g-force style motion blur )
theres my wonderful rating
Definitely not the same as Twisted..but still a good release..would like to see a better release..motion blur is bad...sound is good...
Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...
not too bad, but like said before, a little sub par for a TCR release.
6/7/4 no need for SVCD, VCD would have been fine.
I saw this in the theatre, and i too would rather have pulled my ass hair out. I'm a bigtime supertroopers fan, so i figured this would have been on the same level as supertroopers, but it just wasn't. This movie was pretty bad. Yes its a horror/comedy and has its funny parts, but i was expecting more from broken lizard.
Gotta love 'Pina Colada Burg' song lmao
not a bad rip. 8/8/7
Just skimmed through CD1 and I think its a good release
From the beginning credits, seemed only a little bit of it was missing from the left side that was cropped off, they even got the subs in at the bottom near the very beginning. Also, um motion blur? I did not notice any "blur" that would not be in one of their usual telesyncs. Haven't viewed the sample at all so maybe it was just that. Audio seemed fine to me, did not notice anything bad there either.
I can't wait to see this movie.
Unfortunately this isn't the release to get.
Hoping for a proper, but there probably won't be one, so a long wait till a screener
just watched it, video is a bit dark so had to change a few settings on my sounds isnt as good as super troopers
Originally posted by JimRitchay
I can't wait to see this movie.
All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!
Alot of motion blur which happens when you use 24p camera to record a 24p movie quick scenes cause the camera to drop frames. Welp quality was nice besides that. Also to bad it leeked before it was released.
not great but its better than some kinda dark audio is good movie isnt great but its better than you got served but that isnt saying much 8/7/4
pretty good release 8/7/5
Excellent Pic and the Sound is very Direct, my only complaint is i didn't find the humor in the movie. I was a fan of Supertroopers, but as a comedy found this movie to be absolutely dreadful
However as a typical horror movie minus the comedy the gore factor was suprisingly high, so props for the horror aspect as least...
hey broken lizard took a shot with this one, it only sorta half-assed worked but there were some funny scenes, like hippy said, don't expect this to be like super troopers (in my personal opinion that's a HARD movie to follow, one of my favs.)
on the release, it's nicely watchable on tv, could use this to wait till dvd rip if ya absolutely have to.
7/8/ 6 - just for trying something new, i'm sure in a year or so they'll put out something better
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