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-- Brother Bear *NTSC* *Proper* - DVDRIP - DzN (http://www.vcdhq.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=37095)
Brother Bear *NTSC* *Proper* - DVDRIP - DzN
Well, this is the FIRST release where I don't think anyone will complain (unless you don't like the movie which is most likely )! At least the kids are going to be in for a real treat...
Untouched video! DTS + 5.1! Menu!
So I will have to add something that makes no sense
Video 6/10 - nice re-encode, but I found some graininess in the Digital transfer... Was this done using DVD-Shrink?!?!
Sounds 6/10 - nice DTS mix, but sounds downsampled... The moose kept saying, "eh" after every sentence... Anyone else had this problem?
Movie 10/10 - Talkin' bears! I'm there!
Kidding of course... PERFECT release! 2 for 2 DZN!
Nice release, easy strip so not even <insert a fuckup grp you hate here> could've fucked it up
Gonna give the movie a shot I think, alot of people speak high of it.
Originally posted by mew
Nice release, easy strip so not even <insert a fuckup grp you hate here> could've fucked it up
Hmm you're right
I have the same problem as you actually, I hate it when BHP, aNBc or other groups release lameass "complete" rips full of crappy extras and 3000 kbit/s video bitrate. Wish those grps would just drop dead, luckily they dont win too many releases.
Originally posted by mew
Hmm you're right
I have the same problem as you actually, I hate it when BHP, aNBc or other groups release lameass "complete" rips full of crappy extras and 3000 kbit/s video bitrate. Wish those grps would just drop dead, luckily they dont win too many releases.
Originally posted by JoshNya
I personally enjoy extras over DVD-Shrink anyday. But thats me. Kids dont understand why the extras are gone, and why they cant play their dvd game. There's a million ways to do a DVD9 2 DVD5 convertion, don't need to flame groups just because they didn't do it your favorite way. Sheesh..
Just to make it clear I was flaming that particular kind of release (low bitrate, full of worthless extras) and not the groups, I just mentioned those grps since they tend to often release such rips. And most groups who rip out extras to maintain quality for main feature edits the menu so you cant choose what's not there, if your kid is smart enough to navigate a dvd menu Im sure after a few tries he'll understand if something cant be selected, its not there :P
EDIT: Oh and I have no idea why you call those movie+menu-only rips DVD-Shrink, doesnt make sense to me.
Spiderman rules!! Batman sucks!!
HMM, but what about Superman?
Just stick to what you like, no need to defend yourself... We like what we like...
PS: BHP likes Batman!
I classify the pre groups into 3 catagories:
1 (worst) using one click programs, whether to hurry the rls, or lack of know-how. Or to claim untouched video. And people kiss their @$$es.
CTP (lotr3), DzN (sinbad), twciso (lost in trans) (seen other movies too, those were the first to come to mind)
2 (moderate) 1video, 1audio, 1half-working menu, alot of file deleteing, no editing (9 times out of 10 they say went with the highest bitrate possible, and looks like crap) (Seabiscuit/Missing/School of Rock, comes to mind)
Replica, MPTDVD , Svenne
3 (best) takes time, render/keep some extras, keeps it above 3000 (scene standard) and rarely propered or have a screwup release.
Berger, BHP, aNBc
These are my .02, but this is how I see it.
I personally cant tell the bitrate on a 3100 compaired to a 4000 movie on my 52" HDTV. The only way I possibly could is if I had 2 of the same movie and did a frame by frame comparison, pending all else is equal (passes so forth).
Oh, BTW, I like extras, deleted scenes, making, some trailers like spiderman2, hell boy, evil dead 2.
Again, here's my .02. Plus I Always buy the ones that are worth it.
Originally posted by JoshNya
I classify the pre groups into 3 catagories:
1 (worst) using one click programs, whether to hurry the rls, or lack of know-how. Or to claim untouched video. And people kiss their @$$es.
CTP (lotr3), DzN (sinbad), twciso (lost in trans) (seen other movies too, those were the first to come to mind)
2 (moderate) 1video, 1audio, 1half-working menu, alot of file deleteing, no editing (9 times out of 10 they say went with the highest bitrate possible, and looks like crap) (Seabiscuit/Missing/School of Rock, comes to mind)
Replica, MPTDVD , Svenne
3 (best) takes time, render/keep some extras, keeps it above 3000 (scene standard) and rarely propered or have a screwup release.
Berger, BHP, aNBc
These are my .02, but this is how I see it.
Originally posted by JoshNya
I classify the pre groups into 3 catagories:
1 (worst) using one click programs, whether to hurry the rls, or lack of know-how. Or to claim untouched video. And people kiss their @$$es.
CTP (lotr3), DzN (sinbad), twciso (lost in trans) (seen other movies too, those were the first to come to mind)
2 (moderate) 1video, 1audio, 1half-working menu, alot of file deleteing, no editing (9 times out of 10 they say went with the highest bitrate possible, and looks like crap) (Seabiscuit/Missing/School of Rock, comes to mind)
Replica, MPTDVD , Svenne
3 (best) takes time, render/keep some extras, keeps it above 3000 (scene standard) and rarely propered or have a screwup release.
Berger, BHP, aNBc
The infinite battle continues
I can't wait till dual layer DVD-R burners come out! Then this will all be behind us That is until spring when Blu-Ray comes out! But that will be probably $1000 for the player alone and the movies will be $50 each (just like DVD was in '96). Probably will take years before we all have a burner in our homes for Blu-Ray (at an affordable price that is).
Side Convo:
When are Dual-Layered burners coming out? Can we use regular DVD-R media on dual layer burns? Isn't the second layer just a different angle of the laser? So technically it MIGHT (by slim chance) be possible to use current DVD-R media. Heck, I bet the same film is used in CD-Rs are in DVD-Rs, just a different color. Big money making scheme. Definitely shouldn't cost this much more to make.
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