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-- Resident Evil Apocalypse *iNTERNAL* - CAM - FRA (
i wait for next
pots release isnt that great but its better than this sound & pic wise
one of the worst ive ever seen picture wise
just sucks
why? no reason for this release at all...
no idea
I could make a better looking release out of my stool.
I feel sorry for the guy who sat through and cammed this.
shouldnt have bothered with this release. waste of time. AVOID !!
Lets praise all the groups out there who make this scene for what it's worth because if we didn't then we'd all be spending a fortune at the pics.Remember to practice SAFE SEX (as illistrated in the pic).
you have to really wonder why they would release it really im my opinion i mean its near unwatchable and they must know they will get flamed because of it i know it internal but come on guys are you drunk
ok this post will probley get deleted becuase i don't know where to put this. this rls is not on any site im on, i have check 4 pre sites, they do not list this rls, in their db. is this source real? , or is it just really really internal
im a moron don't mind me
Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!
whats the point in this ????1.1 bit harsh but when thers ppl like videocd why do others bother with rubbish
Both releases of this movie to me are the same. Meaning they both are blurry to $hit, audio is same, only diff. is that one has black bars and the other is Fullscreen.
Not even worth rating but....
"Must follow rules..."
Movie sucked so much ass it would make a fag beg for a tic-tac.
Do you work for UPS? I thougt I saw you checking out my package.
Sample looks like it was done with a camera phone...
Wonder how many memory sticks it took?
its internal for a lot of good reason.. 1 cause its full of mistakes and blunders [ focus, audio, bad encoding overkill, color tint.. 2nd cause it should be internal.. one shitty cam by pot was enough!!!
thanks for making it INTERNAL.. and risking camming it .. but i'll pass!!!! .. in this case i can't say if you got the POT version stick with it.. cause that would be cruel and usually punishment!
thanks FRA
imma watch now
I Just Want to Be like Radiohead, And do something ingenious.
id give this release a 2/2 cant wait for maven to release theres i think i will wait till then
"cause some damn fool accused you of being the best"
"dillon you son of a bitch"
hahaha..people are gonna jump your ass for that post!
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