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Posted by diekund on 09-27-2004 01:51 AM:

very fullscreen but i like it, leeching it now, dunno about b&w yet, not seen any. great rls tho, since this is still in theatres where i live. didnt enjoy the movie as much as anchorman though

same as MoF xvid rls really


:::::edit::::: small ONC lettering watermark bottom right corner, really not noticable at all

Posted by vip3r on 09-27-2004 02:30 AM:

Same as the MoF XViD? Not by a chance, the quality on this is 5x better. Like the nfo says ... no b & w, scrolling msgs, etc. Already watched most of disc 1 .. been fine. Haven't noticed the ONC watermark in the bottom corner, doesn't bother me at all. TEG-VCD has been on a role lately, maybe they're gonna be the "New TCF!" Keep up the good work. Picture is perfect on this one, like the Napoleon Dynamite release..sound could be better i think. Movie was great


Posted by dc_man on 09-27-2004 02:30 AM:



My sig worked, It's back.

Posted by Bazacko on 09-27-2004 02:48 AM:

Same source as the Napoleon Dynamite dvdscr, judging by the ONC watermark. Hopefully they don't have access to only fullscreen


Posted by bcool2k on 09-27-2004 02:59 AM:

Originally posted by Bazacko
Same source as the Napoleon Dynamite dvdscr, judging by the ONC watermark. Hopefully they don't have access to only fullscreen

I Hope so too man..Better than the Wasted Time screener, but bah i'm so sick of all these Full Screen Rls' release so far, and excellent Film!!

Posted by Gristy on 09-27-2004 04:05 AM:

i always preferred full screen

Posted by SrT4 on 09-27-2004 06:33 AM:


Posted by vcdburn on 09-27-2004 09:04 AM:


It's great to have a backup of a funny DVD, but what's the deal with the watermark?

In my opinion It runes the release. I hope someone else releases the WS without the G*Y watermark.

Some will say, you can't see it. What's the point of putting it there. Maybe two releases, one with the mark, and a normal one LIKE EVERYONE ELSES!

Video with watermark 5
Audio 9
Movie 10

Posted by Mystic Slippe on 09-27-2004 12:28 PM:

Originally posted by vcdburn
[B]It's great to have a backup of a funny DVD, but what's the deal with the watermark?........blahblahblahB]

You fucking ungrateful cunt.

Posted by Miller on 09-27-2004 02:18 PM:

Originally posted by vcdburn
It's great to have a backup of a funny DVD, but what's the deal with the watermark?

In my opinion It runes the release. I hope someone else releases the WS without the G*Y watermark.

Some will say, you can't see it. What's the point of putting it there. Maybe two releases, one with the mark, and a normal one LIKE EVERYONE ELSES!

Video with watermark 5
Audio 9
Movie 10

this has great quality video a watermark does not runin the release that much

as m$ said " you ungratefull cunt"

anyway video is nice, wm diden't bother me that much actually i diden't notice it unless i was looking for it. sound is nice and clear . movie was really funny

Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!

Posted by Movieman420 on 09-27-2004 03:38 PM:

Best FS screener I've seen in a LONG time...5 pass VBR w/ Dolby...what's not to like?
Oh...the wm...who cares? Fantastic release reguardless!



Posted by Redemption198 on 09-27-2004 03:59 PM:

The people on here are getting worse, typical kids, take stuff for granted too easily.

How can a tiny watermark ruin a release, as far as i know most of US TV is watermarked.

Some will say, you can't see it. What's the point of putting it there. Maybe two releases, one with the mark, and a normal one LIKE EVERYONE ELSES!

I was agreeing with Mystic about him being an ungrateful cunt, until I read that part, and realised hes thick as shit too.

This is a good release of an okay film

Posted by The Golfer on 09-27-2004 05:11 PM:

Nice release. It's like Sex on a CD.


Posted by thredworm on 09-27-2004 07:30 PM:

Originally posted by Mystic Slippers
You fucking ungrateful cunt.

Agree fully!

Why do people keep moaning about releases being fullscreen?!? Don't get it if you don't want to watch something in fullscreen! It's that fucking simple.

Are you paying for this release? No.
Did you do anything to bring this release to people? No.
Are you an ungrateful cunt? Why, yes. Yes you are.

Posted by vcdburn on 09-27-2004 07:32 PM:

are getting worse, typical kids

Kids, LOL I wish I was a kid! Fortunately I'm an adult with tastes in movie releases.

and realised hes thick as shit too.

First: It's realized (Dumb Kids) It's called spellcheck, use it if you need it.

Second: What's "hes thick as shit too" mean?

I can assume "hes" means "he is" but what is "thick as shit" mean?

Is shit thick? I don't know, my guess is that you have the "thick shit" market monopolized.

Before I apparently became Mystick's mom, my point was that it's a DVD release. It should be perfect, no watermarks, no audio/video problems. Use the watermarks on vcds, svcds, divix, or XXX, but why on a DVD?

Oh I need to go back to storytime now.

Posted by Nealo on 09-27-2004 08:02 PM:

Mystic Give Us A Wiggle


Movie Was Incredibly Unfunny


Posted by Mystic Slippe on 09-28-2004 12:43 AM:

Originally posted by vcdburn
Before I apparently became Mystick's mom, my point was that it's a DVD release. It should be perfect, no watermarks, no audio/video problems. Use the watermarks on vcds, svcds, divix, or XXX, but why on a DVD?

Are you some sort of complete and utter spastic or what? it's a


You know, those things companies send out to magazines, cast and crew and HOTELS (which is where this was probably destined for). The watermark is there for a reason.

Fucking hell, before you make any more replies, go and have a quiet word with yourself champ.

And that guy was right. You are thick as shit.

Posted by Debo on 09-28-2004 01:05 AM:

good release
good movie


Posted by vcdburn on 09-28-2004 01:22 AM:

Cool MR. Cool = Mystic and his buddies

Damn, your panties are in a bunch Mystic. The point is. The DVD has a watermark, YES or NO... YES! Therefore it looses points in my opinion.

Wow, you must be so much cooler than I could ever be. Your cool words "ungrateful cunt" and cool flaming buddies. I hope some day I can be as knowledgeable as you about releases, oh and your buddies too. I like the guy who thinks this attack on me is because I don't like FS, that’s full screen, right?... But for you I have something special (!) ASS!

P.S. "thick as shit" Really doesn’t make any since. "Liquidly as piss" See? Retard!


Posted by timeless on 09-28-2004 02:48 AM:

Originally posted by vcdburn
First: It's realized (Dumb Kids) It's called spellcheck, use it if you need it.

heh, I hate to point it out to you mate, but the *correct* spelling (read: not American) is realise... go read a real dictionary (read: not American) and learn to how spell properly (read: not like an American) before you start correcting others.

And seeing as how Redemption1980 is from Glasgow, one would be led to think that he does indeed speak/use at least partially correct English (read: not American)
p.s. there is no need to correct any of my grammar/spelling errors, because if there is one place that I don't use correct grammar, its the net

loved this movie, might hang out for a widescreen dvdscr/dvdrip though... no sense having a WS TV if you can't use it

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