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Good screener indeed from Wastedtime. The picture is clear, colour's dont looked washed out like POT rls. Not complaining POT. Sound isnt bad, sounds a bit hollow though.
lol wtf .. obviously they don't, this is a screener.
Pretty blurry though, sound is ok. Not the best screener ever, worth a grab if you haven't seen the movie yet or cant wait till retail
OMFG so many screeners i can hardly keep up. Too bad this looks like another rush job. The race for the Most Screeners in one week continues. If i didn't know better i'd think it was Oscar time although the movies that are being chosen are hardly Oscar material...Just nice to say i have a Screener. Only marginally better than the TS POT from way back when and thats just sad Mega Props on all the releases..
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3 NO SLAGGING OFF OTHER USERS. Stick to rating the quality and note any problems you feel with the release. SLAG OFF OTHER USERS AND YOU WILL BE BANNED!
4 We do not want to hear any shit about "Ooooh. Where's Group-X" or "I'll wait for Group-X's release"
5 If you cant abide by the above rules. GET THE FUCK OUT. Nobody wants you here!
Now, play nice folks
yet another good screener
i just wish the movies were better
wooo for wastedtime from sample: video is nice, audio is good watermarks on this one
yes very nice release indeed, wastedtime is doing a great job with the releases.
GTA Pimps --> Wanna Play?
Finally, my sis has been buggin' me since POT's CAM for this movie. Never understood how she could watch this crap.
Video - Nice colors, a little VHS blur but that's, i think, unavoidable.
Also has no black and white scenes and no watermarks, scrollers.
Audio - Nice clear and crips sound.
8/8/? - You think i'll watch this?
-=BBKrew OWNZ U=-
My GF has been annoying me for this recently, as she love the first one, I dont mind it much either as well.
I wanted to wait for the DVD but she wanted it now, women for you, suppose ill get rewarded for it.
Average quality video wise, not great though, sound is fine, if not a little hissy at high volumes.
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