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Posted by kenpark on 03-26-2005 03:52 AM:

based on sample...

v - 5/6
a - 5 kind of hollow
m - seems funny, might watch it

Posted by DOUGH on 03-26-2005 04:09 AM:

Well ..It has nice bright colors video considering it is a CAM only a few ''whiteish'' bright spots the audio is a little hollow and has and lil' bit of an echo but nothing that would impede an impatient viewer who wants ta really watch this movie much better then the last ODEON rls.


Posted by deano21 on 03-26-2005 04:09 AM:

great for first release pic and colour great job odeon



Posted by IRC_Moviefan on 03-26-2005 04:27 AM:

As a CAM , this is pretty damn good , colors are there , seems a bit interlaced (lines through the movie) crop and AR are good , bit pixelated , has a hollow sound to it but no noticed hiss .

As for a CAM this is very watchable and im very picky when it comes to CAM's

As im doing this post , a CAM & a TS are out and id take the CAM over the TELESYNC as the TS picture looks like shit ...

Watched this movie with my wife last night and she loved the first but only thought MC2 was *ok* , imo , this movie was absolute shit ... avoid.


Posted by ilickb4istik on 03-26-2005 06:17 AM:

pic is good for cam and sounds hollow-personally i'd wait for a better copy if you need to see this film now it is watchable but the movie really is stupid
wade k's movies are shit-get a life scumbucket

Posted by galekyja on 03-26-2005 10:42 AM:

great job odeon, really nice cam u got

from sample

v 8
a 6
m ?

Posted by Xlander on 03-26-2005 12:19 PM:

Strong 8 video
Audio.. 7 .. strong like echo! But Clear!

Movies. X

Soon to see it in theathers for my ma!


Posted by shareman99 on 03-26-2005 03:28 PM:

this is one of the better cams as far as sound goes. Video is decent. I hope people judge based on cam cause a 6 audio is not a good judgement at all for this cam. Its deserves a 8 or 9 way better than ice princess audio. Video I give a 7. Overall for the movie it sucked i give a 4 just cause the wife liked it.

Posted by TheWebJunkie on 03-26-2005 03:50 PM:


Nice release for a cam odeon looking forward to seeing more stuff from you guys

Posted by mally on 03-26-2005 04:33 PM:


this is a pretty good cam hope to see more of these guys as we need a decent cam group for uk releases pity valiant was a bit messed but these guys learn fast.
video 8 clear enough no real glitches that i noticed
audio 8 a bit hollow and echoey but its a cam so thats expected
movie 5 wasnt really my type of movie

Posted by bigbug41 on 03-27-2005 05:23 AM:

Quite Nice

I have to say this was quite good for a cam it has bright colors and the sound is OK.

This vid deserves a dts track

V = 8 One of the better ive seen nice release first time ive ever seen there work CAM MAN GOT SOME SKILLZ
S = 5 Not bad but could be better
M = 6 Not my cup of tea but I see a market for this stuff

Posted by BigTim on 03-27-2005 11:58 AM:

Major improvement over their previous release Valiant, which was not a bad CAM either. This group is learning fast and producing very watchable results.

Some distracting audiance reaction to the movie, but you can hardly blame anyone for that, it's going to happen with a CAM


Posted by vcdking24 on 03-27-2005 04:15 PM:

not terrible..but not that great either. as first glance pic looks ok, but gets real blocky and lots of color bleeding. sound is very hollow, but audible. the jpegs are deceiving, so is the sample. overall:

Posted by whitemarley on 03-27-2005 06:21 PM:

great work very good
you can,t please some people
V 9
A 7

Posted by Dr.B on 03-27-2005 10:09 PM:

Originally posted by vcdking24
not terrible..but not that great either. as first glance pic looks ok, but gets real blocky and lots of color bleeding. sound is very hollow, but audible. the jpegs are deceiving, so is the sample. overall:

got it in to

same as vcdking for me

wanna see my winkle?

Posted by pinckneyj on 03-28-2005 02:30 AM:

picture quality

teh picture quality of the movie is ok, but dim, nothing like the jpg photo at the startup page of
If the movie get the same quality as the photo, then were talking great work, but for now it's just ok. I've seen better fromt his site.

Posted by Bram on 03-28-2005 08:30 AM:

As far as CAMs go this ain't too bad.


Is it just me or does the end cut off somewhat prematurely? Cuts off just as the singer starts. I'm guessing there's not much left if it is finished there, as she did the 'end speech' bit moments earlier but it just seems to end all of a sudden. nobody else seems to have posted about it so wonder if anyone else has watched all the way through


Posted by mstp on 03-28-2005 07:22 PM:

video : 8.5 good
audio : 3 travels thru long tube b4 it gets to you
movie : 6

audio detracts from movie - wait for better
i m h o

Posted by darknez on 03-30-2005 01:26 PM:

Thumbs up

not bad actually


shame valiant wernt as good

plz saosin save us we want good valiant

Posted by clemenscomet on 04-03-2005 01:45 AM:

sound is so bad it's unwatchable. Video is mediocre for a cam.

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