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Posted by xlilpimpc on 03-28-2005 10:07 PM:

video: 8.5
audio: 9
movie: 7

this is the best rls of this film. nice one MoF

Posted by xlilpimpc on 03-28-2005 10:08 PM:

best rls of this film!

video: 8.5
audio: 9
movie: 7
overall: 8

this is the best rls of this film. nice one MoF!

Posted by Bad Boy Bubby on 03-29-2005 03:00 AM:

video 8
sound 8
movie ?

Flicked through the complete movie.....

Video is good for an XVID Telecine but has a slight periodic shake to it, same as TUN's release. It's still watchable though.

Audio is clear.

Good effort MOF.

Posted by mrjohnnice on 03-29-2005 03:01 AM:

Can anyone tell if the audio is ok on this all the way through the film?

Posted by smurphster on 03-30-2005 12:14 PM:

From Sample: (will edit after watching whole film)

After watchiing:


This has the same annoying echo of a foriegn language in some scenes as was reported on TUNs rls. Im no expert, maybe someone else with more experience at spotting this can confirm, but is this just the same thing compressed, or is it the same original source in a different format?
Specifically when people are talking loudly in the underground bits, and basically whenever their voices "echo" in the film.
It is definately watchable, but only if you are prepared to have to listen carefully at the points when this happens, which isnt often enough to spoil it. (At least not for me!)

Didnt have the "audio dissappears after 31mins" problem.

Picture quality i thought was not perfect, but definately good. If you dont have TUNs rls, get this one!

Cheers MoF! made my evening by making my girlfriends evening!

There are 2 rules to being a success in life:
1. Never give out all the information.

Posted by qwertyu on 03-30-2005 01:24 PM:

NOt bad, Audio flaw though theres a Audio Flaw

Movie 9

Posted by rascallion on 04-01-2005 05:52 PM:

If this is labelled TC it has to be nuked!

This is as good a dvdrip as anything I have seen.

Props if its not......Props if it is......excellent q.......10

the quality blows me away....i should know i have tried everything els

seee this if you wanna see this movie.

ive watched it on the pc....this has to be the best by a gooogles worth of miles

M:9.5.....for the kid/macdaddy factor.....who needs an ex with a mental problem.......I DO

Posted by thongsai on 04-06-2005 03:49 AM:

did u use to get movies from kazaa or something?

no telecine should every be 10.

trust me u havent seen a real dvd rip b4

::EDIT:: Way to completely misunderstand the rating system while simultaneously giving the forum incorrect advice \o/ congratulations - Neversoft::

Posted by Nil Einne on 04-22-2005 07:44 PM:

My understanding is that the problem with the audio is due to the source audio being a 5.1 source where the centre channel is basically a mono English stream whereas the other 4.1 are from a foreign language version (no idea what language, I have heard so many totally different claims, I personally do not know how people can confuse Russian, German, French and Spanish and whatever other languages I've heard people say and before you go accusing me of being an arrogant European I'm Asian and don't speak any of those languages) which is even properly synced with the rest (so gives echos). This release is DD2.0, I assume it's downmixed from the 5.1. It's a bit disappointing especially for a XViD release that they chose such a pointless course IMHO. It would have been much smarter to simply use the mono centre channel and encode it as mono. This would use less audio bitrate and give slightly more for the video. Yes it would only be mono but IMHO, it would be better to have a mono audio track thena stereo one with echos and a foreign language in the background

BTW, I should say I'm not flaming release groups. They do very good work. I'm just a bit disappointed that sometimes they make IMHO, rather stupid decisions about how to do their releases

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