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Posted by ajj on 04-01-2005 10:20 AM:

Any black/white scenes or watermarkings?

Posted by proto on 04-01-2005 01:21 PM:


from sample: very nice dvd screener. video and audio are great


nuked for CBR audio


Posted by shy_too on 04-02-2005 01:57 AM:

Does this rip actually have the first 5 minutes intro included?

I've yet to see one of the so called DVD rips that do

P.S. Hi, have been a lurker here for ages, but decided to join (yeah, I know, big deal)

This is the umpteenth thousand forum I have joined that wants a user name and password aaaaagh! the world has become User name & Password

Posted by tservo on 04-02-2005 01:30 PM:

This Does have the first 5 minutes
Great quality
video 8.5
Audio 8.5
Movie 8.0

Posted by tezmo on 04-02-2005 11:07 PM:

also refreshing to see (given that this features no b&w scenes/messages etc) that no group has tried to pass this off as retail

Posted by sar on 04-04-2005 10:05 PM:

Audio on this one is not good.. metallic/hissy at times. Video is pretty good but has room for improvement.


shy: it starts with ethan hawke doing a drug deal.

Edit: This rip is a blatant telecine, which explains a lot (cigarette burns and reel grain all over the movie).

Posted by chessboxer on 04-10-2005 01:48 AM:

This rip is a blatant telecine, which explains a lot (cigarette burns and reel grain all over the movie).

This is true and the audio goes out of synch in a few places.

Video isn't bad for a Telecine. Wait for a proper release.

Kevin Lomax - "Where does he fuck?"
John Milton - "EVERYWHERE!"

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