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Posted by darkslide on 08-26-2002 07:42 PM:

Yay... Walken.. Shakespeare... combination i just have to see...

"You Say that Again, I'll stab you in the face with a Saudering Iron"

What do you get when you cross an owl, with a bungee cord? My Ass.

Posted by richto on 08-26-2002 08:26 PM:

Red face

"Death, cheating, scamming, drugs and violence which in turn makes for a Fantastic film. "

Sounds like they filmed it in Glasgow then?

Posted by brr8760 on 08-26-2002 08:30 PM:

Three (3) votes and we have a rating of 1.0 (video) and 1.0 (audio), at the time of this writing, even though the jpegs haven't appeared yet. WTF????? Damn lamers.

Posted by realized on 08-26-2002 08:44 PM:


The sample ROCKS ! GOOD JOB RSP , with all the shitty groups out there (oSB, VideoCD , and so on) i am kinda hesitent to trust new groups .. but you guys rocked ..

sorry if your not new, i have never heard of you before :P



Posted by ub3rk1d on 08-26-2002 09:52 PM:

Movie is not so good but judging by the jpgs this is a good rls, not seen RSP around before, ill see what they can do

Posted by gallonFREAK on 08-27-2002 06:14 AM:

early retirement for this group!

let this be a lesson to you

Posted by Redemption on 08-27-2002 07:01 AM:

Hey i was born and bred in Glasgow and i never once saw any cheating

Average Quality, film looks ok, havn't watched yet

Don't knock it if its free, if you could do better why are you downloading it

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