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visa is shit
says it the title.
buggy, none responsisve heap of shit.
if i could be arsed i'd install the 7 beta thing.
p.s. i didn't make an arse of myself over christmas nad new year on here.
do i get a prize?
you all rock.
ps you propably don't rock.
and before any of you smart cunts reply, ok i did miss a letter out of vista
don't know what one it was ?
fuck this
happy belated new year everyone except dwaggy.
he's a cunt
I think you need to lay off the Dr.Pepper and get your Speak-And-Spell back out.
"I was always under the assumption that you have to understand something in order to have an opinion about it. Why make a thread starting off with a joke on a movie you've never seen. This takes criticism to a whole new level, for example, I've never seen metallica1417 but I will presume he is a homosexual."
I've got a capital 1 credit card and a Barclays Debit card. Both are Visa and i've never had any problems with them.
<Si> bout to jailbreak iphone
<kippa> great, then you can find an app to call someone who cares
I'm confused, He's talking about a charge card in the title. then the thread is about Windows? WTF gives?
Why did Tak almost get banned?
This isn't even about being able to work stuff out for yourself. It's about being able to read.
quote:Congratulations for pointing out the obvious you've won a cookie.
Originally posted by Linnets
This isn't even about being able to work stuff out for yourself. It's about being able to read.
After using Vista for several months going back to my old desktop with XP on it is pretty painful. Vista adds a lot of cool things and I haven't found anything missing so far.
3 Thumbs Up
Order oxycodone off the net every day - Tupac
I been using visa for ages, now I'm in debt up to my ears so I gotta agree its shit.
Edit> just drunk nine bottles of leffe I,m conufsed Is this visa or vista .
When you're in a hole put down the shovel.
i prefure Mastercard myself
I was never caught!
From this moment on this thread is about buying Vista on a Visa Credit Card and watching the interest rate shoot through the roof and what you'll actually pay for Vista once you got it paid off, unless you use your American Express card.
Visa is shit but for everything else there's Mastercard. H4W.
P.s dont like Vista? Switch to OS X 10.5 I switched after i used vista and haven't looked back.
Resist the trollbait ... resist the trollbait ... resist the trollbait .... I CANT
Vista is fine. Blame Microsoft for allowing "Vista Ready" stickers on machines with 512MB of ram. They improved security, made the nt kernel even more stable (even moreso with server 2k8 and now the win7 beta kernel) and have introduced a lot of under-the-ugly-ui optimizations and fixes. SP1 has fixed most hardware issues and many people seem to hold a grudge for bad driver support when the OS first came out ... like people forget XP's release, 2k's release, 98's release (I REMEMBER! nice blue screens all the way to the SE and beyond! wooo hooo!)
And after all that Vista praise, try Linux because I'll always praise it more.
*trots off to play fallout 3 in linux*
All this Vista hate is just like the XP hate when XP first came out and guess what? We all fell in love with XP
Don't be a fucking wank
Whats vista got to do with it threads about visa? ,Vista is way slower than xp, uses way more resources as well. And wtf is it with the dumb arse questions vista asks, dumbass OS for retards.
When you're in a hole put down the shovel.
Fuckin hell.
I just stumbled on this thread, don't even remember making it.
Anyway UAC leave it on or off?
leave UAC on and stay the fuck out of the administrator account.
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