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Posted by Emagdim01 on 09-25-2002 01:04 PM:


Fuck Ya *** Back up in this mug

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 09-25-2002 04:13 PM:

Nice RLS!!!

Originally posted by carldickinson
We need more *** TS SVCD coz most of the other groups are shite.

Yeah As Soon As Their Supplier Gets Out Of Jail... HeHe... But Seriously Its A Good Rls... And I Hope They Get A New Supplier Of TS's But They Probably Won't Anytime Soon... Ohh i rate this one 9/9/8



Posted by ebeats on 09-25-2002 06:02 PM:

I thought this movie was unbelievably funny. watched it 3-4 times, will grab this for sure!


Posted by hacku on 09-25-2002 06:07 PM:

Haven't seen it but I just saw who released this...

I guess this means they're back in some way?

[email protected]

Posted by pHo on 09-25-2002 06:53 PM:

/me bangs his head against the wall (aka mystic slippers)

why oh why is it everytime they release a damn dvdrip do people think the telesyncs are coming back.. goddamnit....


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by krazyfoo on 09-25-2002 06:59 PM:

yea they most def arent back

hell they are barely a dvdrip group. get over the lack of TS SVCDs... cry babys

NFO Jones stole my bike

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 09-25-2002 07:13 PM:


I didnt think they were comming back... matter of a fact I said they probably wouldnt get a decent supplier anytime soon... The scene misses the SVCD TS Format but ******** are barely a DvD Group as stated above; ohh and I wasnt whining... So... I'll STFU now and go back to watching this movie (AGAIN) .



Posted by Swimj on 09-25-2002 08:43 PM:

Originally posted by Emagdim01
Fuck Ya *** Back up in this mug

Emag, dawg.. Trust me when I say C'T'P is gone.... I heard some rumors about the TS guy not being in jail but just stopping for a while, cuz fbi's carnivore was onto him but i doubt thats why, considering hes not from uSa... ehhh i still aperciated the rip.. good job!

Posted by OzZyOz on 09-25-2002 11:21 PM:

Please remember: we do this for FUN. We do not make money off this whole business. If people tell you
they're in ********, they're lying.We do not condone
people selling illegal copies of movies for profit.
In fact, all of us go to the movies regularly and pay for
our tickets just like everyone else.
If everyone only watched illegal copies, there would be no money to make new movies.

GAY GAY GAY! nice rip though 9/9/8

Posted by CharlyTuna on 09-26-2002 05:32 AM:


for those who always bitch and say c p t never releases and quit and never coming back, hers one for ya

and just imagine all the ones released that vcdquality dont even post. theres hundreds of releases by groups that never ever get posted on public sites.

thanks again c t p

Posted by Joynt on 09-26-2002 02:08 PM:

they still release shit
its just VERY internal
they stopped up all the leaks

Posted by ub3rk1d on 09-26-2002 05:26 PM:

Originally posted by CharlyTuna

for those who always bitch and say c p t never releases and quit and never coming back, hers one for ya

and just imagine all the ones released that vcdquality dont even post. theres hundreds of releases by groups that never ever get posted on public sites.

thanks again c t p

Like the crummy pirate videos you buy at markets where you see peoples heads hehe

Posted by ham on 09-27-2002 07:55 PM:

/me doesn't know anything about this....

Posted by PhAnToMs on 09-28-2002 01:07 AM:

tipical shitty c-tp with the blockyness is scenes with alot of motion

get off their dicks they arent superior to everyone else just stay and give them brains as long as u want


Jesus fucking christ my sig was huge so Dwaggy replaced it with this message

Posted by devilbeast on 09-28-2002 05:27 AM:

ppl, enough just cause its a ct.p rls u are all posting on it, leave it be it was a pretty good rls, leave it at that dont start talking about them just post on the fucking quality. PERIOD.

Posted by semaj8686 on 09-28-2002 03:22 PM:

I hate C'T'P' they say they are like the best out of all the groups in there NFO..thats bull all they ever do is release not so good DVDRips....

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