Jun 2007
lmao............nice one (If you were trying to be funny)
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I found this poem which aint too bad
:: the teenager was in reference to Corey who posted a party on face book or my space or one of them joints and caused a riot at the party
Australians are a funny lot, you’ll often hear them curse,
How things have started badly, and will probably get much worse,
The weathers dry, the sun’s so hot, it’s stolen all the water,
The Government never does the things we think they “really oughter”.
But if we hear a tourist say, “his home is far- far grander”,
They’ll find they’ll soon be told, “to take another Gander”.
For though we Aussies may complain, at what’s become our lot,
When someone knocks this country, we give’m all we’ve got.
We may criticise some teenage brat, may even wish them failure,
But we stand behind them cheering, when they’re playing for Australia.
Because, if this is home to you, the country of your birth,
Then you’ll back the “Aussie” battler, to beat anyone on earth.
When the cricket bats are swinging, or when someone scores a try,
When a local horse has won the cup, and made the owner cry,
When some paralympic athlete hits the front and sets the pace,
You’ll hear ‘ Aussie Aussie Aussie’ as they go right off their face.
And although some like to take a break, in an overseas location,
If you take the time to question this nomadic population,
They’ll tell you without blinking, “That wherever they might roam,
The best part of the journey, was the last bit …… coming home”.
For the sun was never brighter on the beaches any- where,
Than it is upon the sandy shores, Australia has to share
The water never purer, nor the air as fresh and clear,
The people not as friendly, as those you meet, back here.
If you venture to the outback where grass is scarce as snow,
As you swelter you may wonder “whatever made you go”,
But when you talk to “locals”, who have been there since their birth,
You’ll never find a better bunch of folk upon this earth.
All across this wide brown country, from the Cape to Hobart town,
There are people who will help you, when you find the chips are down,
And if someone should abuse you, and does it “just because”.
You can bet he’s not an Aussie, and probably “never was’.
So when you feel disgruntled, just remember this rendition,
And don’t blame the whole country , for the acts of politicians,
Look up and count your blessings, when you see our flag unfurled,
And be glad that you are living in,
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over.
There comes a point in your life when you realise;
who matters,
who never did,
who won't any more...
and who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
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