Jan 2003
In the Cockpit
I had been waiting to comment b/c I have been very busy lately.
If they used a telecine, boy did they really use a studio-quality telecine like the kind used often to make films to dvd quality picture.
It's amazing. Too amazing, in fact, for me to believe it's a telecine.
No way, I'm not buying it.
The audio is crisp but just hollow. It's not THAT big of a deal.
If this really is a telecing then whoever authorored it is a master at authoring and every group in the scene will probably want him. This is true 99% DVD quality from the rars I've checked out - btw I have it burned but just haven't bothered to watch anything but a couple rars (Picture wise, that is). I would assume then, that if that's the case, that they would have been able to provide better audio, too. That's the reason I don't believe it's a true TC.
Also, imo, the best TC ever picture-wise was T3. Sorry folks, I truely believe it was and it was a damn SHAME no one ever converted that into a DVDR and we had to settle for SVCD. Who knows how much better it could have been on DVDR. Many will disagree with me but that's okay - I stand my ground firmly that the T3 TC is the best ever.
With that said, and even if you think any other TC is the 'best ever' - if this is a TC - then this is 100x better and makes the other ones look like a CAM.
Seriously... I doubt this is a TS or TC unless someone has the priciest TC equiptment or other equiptment like what the studios use. The scene has never seen such unbelievable picture quality on a non DVD-sourced release - not by FAR.
The picture quality is just flat-out mind-boggling. 99.9% DVD quality IMO, again, I say. No doubt.
I wish porco would weigh in on this one (or more if he already has but I didn't see him say anything - usually he sticks to straight retail dvdrs and only blockbuster titles).
It's hard to believe my eyes when I see this.
Picture quality: 100 out of 10
Audio (for a TC): 7/10 (the only thing that's wrong is it's hollow, really, imo).
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