Aug 2002
Dirty Ass Mid-Atlantic
this has to be the dumbest, and most pointless argument ive ever read...
Im gonna grade all your arguments on a scale of A-F
quote: Originally posted by svenbob
Hey pHo, your not a jugalo, your a jugahoe and a ninja whereas im a jugaloo and i listen to feminem as well making me a non-ninja, therefore im not aloud to listen to the hot underground raps even though i find the music good, but i am a jugaho non-ninja because i like the feminem and you dont, but you like the ken, which is a very ninja thing, but a non jugalo thing.
Decent rap, im tempted to give this an A just because it made me laugh, but its formatted all wrong and some of the rhymes suck..F
quote: Originally posted by NeWcS
Thats cause he has a hugh following and so does ICP. Plus I was talking about people in the same music catagory with such a big following....but nice of you pull out the Jacko smack!
dude, i could make up something better than that to say with my damn toe, if someone i knew tried to pass that as an argument i would smack them! .. F
quote: Originally posted by BiggFatty
svenbob why would you say quit fighting and grow up and then you put that quote there to start more shit? How about we talk about how eminem treats his fans like shit? Did you ever think that 90% of eminem fans are the same fans as nsync and backstreet? All the girls think he is hot cuase he is famous, so they dont care what he says about women and all that shit. I bet them same hos thought Vanilla Ice was hot back then to. Why you gonna start shit again?
first off, vanilla ice cant rap, sounds retarded, and only had one good song (NINJA RAP BABY) and also, my boy sven dident say quit arguing then argue some more, he told u, then he laughed at anothers comment, and you felt hurt and were too fucking stupid to find a better insult so you resorted to 5th grade. nice, wish i knew you so i could break into your house and throw all your shit outside onto the street. F
quote: Originally posted by BiggFatty
And of course there is only gonna be juggalos buying the album, ICP said that they are cool as fuck with 100,000 juggalos. They wouldnt trade 10 juggalos for 100 mainstream fans, cuase all they care about is the juggalos.
wow, your really an easy target today! and in the words of the great Sir pHoseph (not that we actually listen to him anyway) "dont double post, use edit if you wanna add something", but okay let me get this strait, EVERYONE that listens to ICP is a jiga-who or whatnot? two sylablles for you BULLSHIT they got so many mainstream fans and most of these gigga-whatnots are just posers. i am what i am, im not some fuck who wants to be a clown, and get it strait, eminem and icp are FRIENDS! why do you think there is no high scale la suit against either party? dumass. dont live your life by images.. your a moron.. F
God... and Svenbob thought he ruled...
Fuck You!
Aim: Weirdman
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