Apr 2004
one of the few nukes i agree with.
Watched this rls last night, well tried to i should say.
For a cam, it really wasn't that bad, the ghosting wasn't as bad as most, but it was soo unbelieveably dark you might as well shut off all your lights, tv, puters, and just stare at the wall for about an hour.
same effect.
Audio is the typical cam audio, fairly hollow at times but for the most part bareable.
I'd advise you to grab the proper, though i haven't seen it yet.
p.s. brighten filter in encodinig software doesn't fix the darkness.
nuff said
p.p.s. watch most of my flicks with VLC before dumping to dvd or svcd.
I noticed no A/R problems myself
And it appears Burt Reynolds has changed his name to Turd Furgeson.
That's right, it's a funny name
Last edited by fluffinator on 05-10-2005 at 04:06 PM
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