Jul 2005
Junior Member
I can confirm that fortuyn is right about this one: The source for this release is in fact a mislabelled telecine copy, and not a dvdscreener. Same goes for the XviD release by LEGACY and the DVDR release by FCR, which originate from the same source.
The release has all of the characteristics of a telecine copy. Most remarkably it has the distinct occasional "cigarette burns" (reel burns) in the upper right corner (screenshot). So shut up, bcool2k, and quit the flaming.
It also has quite many video artefacts, i.e. dust, dirt or scratches which were transferred from the film reel in the telecine process (examples here and here).
Also, it's PAL as all telecine copies are, whereas most dvdscreeners are NTSC. And it has no warnings, "property of..." messages, black and white scenes etc., like almost all dvdscreeners do.
However, props to the ppl who made this telecine source for mixing the audio stream nicely in sync with the video, unlike many other telecine releases. On the other hand they somehow screwed up when transferring the video. The telecine source has a very annoying "motion blur" throughout the whole movie. It shows whenever there's high speed motion in the picture (examples here and here).
All in all, the release is a rather high quality telecine copy, but nonetheless it's still a "raw" telecine copy, which has not been digitally remastered by the film studio. It hasn't been released by the film studio (Fox), and it has never been intended as a dvdscreener. My guess is that the source come from a bootleg DVD "factory" located in Asia or Eastern Europe or Russia that create PDVDs for the bootleg market.
Same story as all widescreen "DVDSCR" releases by TEG-DVD and TEG-VCD and many "DVDSCR" releases by MoF, too. Read more here. That page also has a lot of background info about the telecine process and dvdscreeners in general.
Now, why do I care in the first place? Well, I'm picky about the quality of movie releases, and I want to know what I'm getting, before spending time and bandwidth on a release. And I get pissed off when I download a movie only to find out that the scene group has tried to sneak a telecine copy through as a dvdscreener. I might aswell have downloaded the correctly labeled telecine SVCD release by TUN instead, which was out a month before this one (released by METEOR as DVDR).
Also, mislabelled "DVDSCR" releases like this one make it impossible for other scene groups to release real dvdscreener copies of the same movie, due to the scene rules. If the scam is not revealed and the release is nuked for mislabelling at the distro sites, that is!
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