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Dec 2002

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Originally posted by Jc100
Ok this is not my forum and i dont own it, but can admins start using their powers. Enough is Enough, we need to start banning people over lame posts, requests, and YES WE KNOW EVERYONE wants the TTT2 dvd screener but unless you fucking have it and are going to release it, shut the hell up. If it gets release, it'll be done so when a crew gets it. I gurantee if they had it, they'd release for mad props. Now all the newbs, we were once there to But read the fucking rules and stop asking. God someone use admin power... or admin power and ban yourself as this is just gettin out of hand.
amen. i just dont see the use in letting people run ruffshod in everythread. its obvious quite a few here are just haters that contribute nothing but shit, get rid of em...

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Old Post 12-31-2002 11:41 PM
Muzak is offline Click Here to See the Profile for Muzak Click here to Send Muzak a Private Message Find more posts by Muzak Add Muzak to your buddy list Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Jun 2002

--The One and Only--

Why does everyone like flaming in the Comments section of this forum? Isn't there still a FLAME WARS section? Hehe. And INFANT, if you really want a DVD-R release of this, why dont your use your uberl33t PC, and join the 2 cds, and then burn on a DVD-R. ( for more info).Groups work hard enough, and I certainly don't see you releasing a whole lot. Props to TDi and every other group on the scene, just for what they do. If you think its crap, don't download it.

[--Quality over Quantity always--]

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Old Post 01-01-2003 12:00 AM
x|LeaF|x is offline Click Here to See the Profile for x|LeaF|x Click here to Send x|LeaF|x a Private Message Find more posts by x|LeaF|x Add x|LeaF|x to your buddy list Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Nov 2002


Just finished burning this bad boy im watch it late tonight all alone

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Old Post 01-01-2003 01:32 AM
Mercenary13 is offline Click Here to See the Profile for Mercenary13 Click here to Send Mercenary13 a Private Message Find more posts by Mercenary13 Add Mercenary13 to your buddy list Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
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As for the movie, I dont know. Pic is glitched in beginning a few secs.. and whats with the audio?? It is very low. No one mentioned that, since half of you prob havent even seen this release. Anyway, anyone else WHO actually has watched notice this. Audio is clear BUT very very low. That is my 2 cents.

nothing is wrong with the video. it's just the dreamworks logo blends in with the movie story, it's about a vhs tape.i know cause i watched in the cinema.
about the audio i personally dont have any big problem with low volumes but at least is clear. just crank up the volume.

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Old Post 01-01-2003 01:41 AM
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Awsome movie a great bit of computer added generated spooky bits aswell!

Nice one

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Old Post 01-01-2003 02:15 AM
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Post Just a thought...

Infant...I just have a few thoughts...first off, if you've ever looked into ripping a DVD -> DVD-R, you'd realize that there are two different types of DVD currently sold: DVD-5 and DVD-9...DVD-5 is quite easily copied, as it is under the 4.7 GB limit (which is more truly like 4.5 GB), but usually just includes the movie, subtitles, foreign language audio tracks, if any, and menu (which takes absolutely no space)...unfortunately, unless it's a DTV (direct-to-video) film, it's more than likely not going to be DVD-5...DVD-9 is the by and large standard for pressing DVD releases of movies today, being that it is dual-layered and can hold far more than 4.7 GB of that case, it's AT LEAST a 6 hour ordeal to re-rip the DVD .VOB files and re-parse them with correct .IFO files, and even then, it will probably end up being a 2-disc DVD release, thus putting it to an approximately 180x50MB pack, which even on a nice cable connection like the majority of the people have access to these days, would still take around 8 hours to download, not to mention be a bitch to distribute...and we've not even got into the fact that most people, unlike you, can't afford a DVD burner, or the DVD-R medium, even though you can find it for $.80 US per disc...Plus, even if you have the fastest DVD-R/RW, you're still going to spend half an hour or more burning the two discs, and for what? The extras? The intact 'quality' of a DVD? Personally, when I download most DVDRip.SVCD releases, I find that they are not noticeably 'degraded' from DVD quality, and still stay at 2, for now, I'll stick with my $60 40x12x40 CD-RW, and my $.05 US per disc media, and my 2 hour long downloads of DVDRip.SVCD releases that look just as damn good on my 32" Proscan console TV from 1995, because daddy just won't buy me a new 56" 16:9 plasma TV, computer with a DVD-R/RW, and spindles upon spindles of DVD-R media...oh, and by the way, I've got around 250 LEGITIMATE DVD films here, because I like to support the films that I feel are genuinely worth short, piss off, go suck on daddy's stick a bit more, and maybe he'll be able to pay someone to give you pre-release DVD copies...

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Old Post 01-01-2003 06:33 AM
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Dec 2002

DVDSCR, my precious...

Haven't downloaded or seen this one yet but I've seen Mulholland Dr. and must say Naomi Watts is the hottest 34-year old chick I've ever laid eyes on.

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Old Post 01-01-2003 08:10 AM
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SirGripper, I agree with you for the most part. DVDr is really not as expensive as you may think... $.70 per disc and the burner is 180 for a crappy pioneer 103 but it gets the job done. One of the biggest plusses of DVDr is no disc swapping and the 5.1 audio. Maybe most people cant take advantage of 5.1 sound (which I doubt if you can afford a DVD player) but for some movies such as the two towers, the sound really adds a new dimension to the movie. Also with teh two towers (just as an example) your gonna be getting up at least 4 times to swap discs (unless you wasted money on a changer)... and the rippers do seem to pick the most inoppertune time for get a disc swap. There are already thousands of people who get DVDr releases and this number is growing very fast.... this is like the upgrade from vcd to svcd... once you see svcd, vcd just doesnt cut it anymore.

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Old Post 01-01-2003 11:11 AM
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Originally posted by jagouar
SirGripper, I agree with you for the most part. DVDr is really not as expensive as you may think... $.70 per disc and the burner is 180 for a crappy pioneer 103 but it gets the job done. One of the biggest plusses of DVDr is no disc swapping and the 5.1 audio. Maybe most people cant take advantage of 5.1 sound (which I doubt if you can afford a DVD player) but for some movies such as the two towers, the sound really adds a new dimension to the movie. Also with teh two towers (just as an example) your gonna be getting up at least 4 times to swap discs (unless you wasted money on a changer)... and the rippers do seem to pick the most inoppertune time for get a disc swap. There are already thousands of people who get DVDr releases and this number is growing very fast.... this is like the upgrade from vcd to svcd... once you see svcd, vcd just doesnt cut it anymore.

HEY! Don't go knocking Pioneer's FIRST Home DVD Burner, the A03/103, as that is my unit, and it is far from crappy, and I have burned a SH*TLOAD of DVD-Rs with it ))) .....and it is still running (knock, knock , on wood ).....

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Old Post 01-02-2003 01:50 AM
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i dont know if its just me or what, but all of TDi releases seem to have low audio.. am i going nuts or does everyone notice this?

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Old Post 01-02-2003 06:53 AM
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Originally posted by jbcg1820
i dont know if its just me or what, but all of TDi releases seem to have low audio.. am i going nuts or does everyone notice this?

ya this has been mentioned a few times in this thread...since the second post in here

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Old Post 01-02-2003 11:44 AM
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Sep 2002

Professional Cow Tipper

I am probably the only one who thinks that the FTF version made the movie scarier.

but this rip makes the movie enjoyable

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

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Old Post 01-02-2003 06:27 PM
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Thnx TDi, video is pretty good (there are no errors in the begin'n BTW) and volume is low but quality is good enough that you can turn it up loud w/out distortion. Looks like it could be reencoded from the ViTe XViD rls but I havent verified that. Good movie good rls.

Infant who are you to dis on the rls groups. SVCD/Divx formats make up 99% of DVDrips/DVDscr b/c it's what ppl want, the video quality degradation is minimal and they are ez to distro. DVD-9 is a pain in the ass to rip like SirGriper said not even get'n into the extra cost or distro probs and pack'n/unpack'n/burn'n time or BW for that matter. Plus asking for groups to do a DVDr of the DVDscr... lol what a huge waste of time and space!

Want 5.1, outtakes, commentary, H/PDTV quality BUY the DVD!

BTW x|LeaF|x SVCD joined and put on DVDr doesnt make it DVD qual again

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Old Post 01-02-2003 10:38 PM
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Mar 2002

Junior Member


Have watch it, the full movie is very clear, thankfully the watermarks don't appear that much and when they appear, its like 10 seconds or less.

The sound is a little quiet, but when something good happens for some reason becomes very high.


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Old Post 01-03-2003 05:28 AM
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The pictures shit hot, and for some reason ive experienced no sound problems om my tv with both discs

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Old Post 01-03-2003 09:55 AM
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This is a good rip Vid quality is at the low end for svcd (58min)but about right for a screener. When the retail comes out you can expect it to be 3cd's and better quality.

I don't know about everyone else but I'm personally tired of all the lotr comments in every thread. I actually came to this thread to read and discuss "The Ring".

Thanks TDI for a good rls.

Last edited by coathanger on 01-04-2003 at 05:41 AM

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Old Post 01-03-2003 06:29 PM
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I must admit for the last two weeks or so ive not been too bothered about a LOTR screener, bu as the days go on im getting more and more anxious, anyway back to the topic at hand......

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Old Post 01-03-2003 08:01 PM
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Jul 2002

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Finally decided to vote.... 9/6/9

The audio IS low... fixed that though! (that's why it's a six... had to re-encode)

The FTF version WAS scarier... mostly because of the cropping they did... sucked though, only being able to see chins and such. It reminded me of a seventies drive-in movie...

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Old Post 01-04-2003 02:40 AM
gspat is offline Click Here to See the Profile for gspat Click here to Send gspat a Private Message Find more posts by gspat Add gspat to your buddy list Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
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Video is very good..someone mentioned the 'glitches' at the beginning...they are FOR EFFECT...since most of the movie involves snow on the TV... etc.

But anyway, someone also asked how many watermarks appear...and I'll tell you...EVERY 10 MINUTES for about 15 seconds...and that is the most I've ever seen BTW

Film wasn't as scary as I'd been told it was going to be...

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Old Post 01-06-2003 03:22 AM
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very nice
movie is okay also

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Old Post 01-06-2003 04:59 AM
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