May 2004
I usually don't post often, but for this I had to. First, I was dying to see this movie. Second, I didn't expect to be watching it until at least next week...
This is the best telesync POT has ever released by far. Think to yourself: when was the last time I watched a GOOD telesync the day after a movie opened? Frankly, I can't remember once. Congratulations POT on this fabulous release.
Alright, now to get a bit more specific. People have already mentioned the heads as well as entire bodies blocking the screen. It happens more often than in any release I have seen to date, but it is a bother at most. It does not interfere with the movie in any way at all. In fact, you should be busy looking at how sharp the shadow is because of the quality
At some points in the movie, the release does get a little jittery. By this I mean the picture moves slightly back and forth quickly. Again, this is a bother at most, and it has been mentioned before in the thread.
Furthermore, the colors on this release aren't good, but the sharpness of the picture makes up for this entirely. Also, the sound is flawless. All around great job there, no complaints at all. I guess some people might want 5.1 surround, but what more can you ask on a release inside of 24 hours of opening day? Personally, direct sound is just fine, and POT did a great job here.
Now let's revisit the speed of this release. Not only is the release pretty good for a TS (not VideoCD or maVen quality obviously), but they didn't screw up and get nuked for it. Imagine how fast things had to move to get this release out as fast as they did. The last thing I will do is say thanks to POT for an excellent quality and speedy release.
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