Sep 2001
Junior Member
Re: OK listen
quote: Originally posted by Skippy_2002ca
OK listen I know for facts this is not a reencode it is a Telecine The audio is Great and the picture is way better then anything Centracopy ever did there must be a problem with the kpeg I think u people need to learn before making stupid post about fucking Centra MAn quit sucking there cocks there gone they did realse this Movie But lets think for a sec there is know more and more groups being made every day and I see how you People Post u POst and flame about the group U say ohh centracopy This centra copy That Shut UP FUCK CENTRA They are Done Realsing to the public and they do Intrernaly And wont be back again SO Give it UP the Groups that deserv Respect for a great realse is this ON IT IS PERFECT SO what if 10 of them where realsed the point bening is quality and this is not a recnode I am sick of it THanks and great work OsB From your Friendsly Friend Skippy
Hi Skippy, remember me? I sent u here while you were still a newb, and I think your post shows that you haven't matured with the scene in oh the last year.
Class is in, Time to get Schooled:
1) Have you looked at at least the JPG? Cause a TC does not produce the glare effect that is very evident in the sample/jpg.
2) Have you ever seen a TC with bad AR? Doesn't happen.
3) This is a recode, plain and simple, should have been nuked X5 for the extreme stupiditiy of this release.
4) Have you ever heard of De/Re Multiplex, if it took this long for this retarded group to get this RECODE out, maybe they did do one thing right and take the audio out of another better source, IE a PROPER TS
To anyone with eyes and a brain you can tell this is a recode, but I'm sure you wouldn't know that, because your still getting shit recodes of releases, yes I know
I im nat druunkkk ocifer
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