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why does everyone fight, why does everyone get mad at someone if we say quality and video are horrible, isnt that why the forums here?
you dont exspect 2000 members to all agree saying this release rules, so if you get mad at someone saying it blows, thats plain pathedic, everyone is entitled to there own opinion.
and for people saying this release and previous a-team releases are the best, your on dope.
however i dont agree on all the cursing and fighting, you just make this group more popular in a sick way, as it is, all the members are in this thread complamenting themselves, wich is realy pathedic if you ask me. but to each his own.
when they release something great, i will tell the truth and post a great quality score, until then all my rating have been honest to my opinion, afterall we are not paid judges, so no one can realy be right, this isnt a profession.
p.s. west side homie, or gallonfrick,drink257 or whoever you are, just chill a bit, dont fight back, thats what they want, dont feed into them
Last edited by on 09-15-2002 at 10:22 PM
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