[Title] => WWE Sunday Night Heat
[Year] => 1998–2008
[Rated] => N/A
[Released] => 02 Aug 1998
[Runtime] => N/A
[Genre] => Sport
[Director] => N/A
[Writer] => Vince McMahon
[Actors] => Sean Morley, Jonathan Coachman, Michael Coulthard
[Plot] => "WWE Sunday Night Heat" is a weekly live event/recap show featuring the superstars of Ric Flair's RAW brand. The show usually features the midcarders of the World Wrestling Entertainment RAW brand, and recaps the week that was for RAW.
[Language] => English
[Country] => United States
[Awards] => N/A
[Poster] =>
[Ratings] => Array
[0] => Array
[Source] => Internet Movie Database
[Value] => 5.9/10
[Metascore] => N/A
[imdbRating] => 5.9
[imdbVotes] => 446
[imdbID] => tt0257324
[Type] => series
[totalSeasons] => 11
[Response] => True
INSERT INTO movies (imdbid, title, tagline, directors, actors, genre, rating, poster_url, base_url, plot, runtime, wna_date, hires_poster_url, screen_type, language, country, dvd_release)
VALUES ('0257324', 'WWE Sunday Night Heat', '', 'N/A',
'Sean Morley, Jonathan Coachman, Michael Coulthard', 'Sport', '5.9', '',
'', '\"WWE Sunday Night Heat\" is a weekly live event/recap show featuring the superstars of Ric Flair\'s RAW brand. The show usually features the midcarders of the World Wrestling Entertainment RAW brand, and recaps the week that was for RAW.', '', '2025-01-03 21:13:16',
'', '0', 'English', 'United States',
'1969-12-31 19:00:00')Error executing query: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'runtime' at row 1