Date Type Release jpg nfo imdb discs Group Rating Comments
04/15/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter II *SVCD* Dual Audio (DK-UK) X X X 3 DNA NA/NA/NA 0 posts [view]
04/12/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter Og Hemmelighedernes Kammer *SVCD* *DKspeech*   X X 3 SMSVCD NA/NA/NA 0 posts [view]
02/09/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *Proper* *XviD* X X X 2 DVL 8.7/8.7/8.0 2 posts [view]
02/09/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets X X X 2 Bow 7.2/6.2/8.4 2 posts [view]
02/08/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets   X X 1 booZerS 9.0/9.0/7.5 0 posts [view]
02/07/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *WS* X X X 3 TCF 9.5/9.4/7.6 7 posts [view]
02/07/2003 DVDRIP Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *FS* X X X 3 UTi 9.2/9.5/7.0 22 posts [view]
01/19/2003 DVD SCR Harry Potter The Chambers Of Secrets *SVCD* *DKSub*   X X 3 DFG NA/NA/NA 0 posts [view]
12/15/2002 DVD SCR Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *NTSC*   X X 1 DiViDE 9.5/9.5/6.0 0 posts [view]
12/14/2002 DVD SCR Harry Potter ... *NUKE : Grp Req* X X X 3 LION 5.2/6.5/8.7 30 posts [view]
12/14/2002 DVD SCR Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *SVCD* X X X 3 UTi 9.2/9.2/8.4 51 posts [view]
12/13/2002 DVD SCR Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets X X X 2 DOMiNiON 8.8/8.4/8.1 40 posts [view]
12/08/2002 TELESYNC Harry Potter 2 *INTERNAL* *SVCD* X X X 3 rSE 5.0/4.9/7.4 70 posts [view]
11/25/2002 TELESYNC Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *REAL PROPER* X X X 2 A-Team 6.3/6.5/7.3 49 posts [view]
11/23/2002 CAM Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *iNTERNAL* X X X 2 XV 5.2/4.9/6.6 24 posts [view]
11/21/2002 TELESYNC Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *PROPER* X X X 3 iNTENSE 5.9/5.5/7.3 35 posts [view]
11/15/2002 TELESYNC Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets X X X 2 FTF 5.4/5.4/7.5 53 posts [view]
11/11/2002 CAM Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *CD1 REPACK* X X X 1 UTi 7.1/6.3/7.7 94 posts [view]
11/11/2002 CAM Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets X X X 2 UTi 6.9/6.0/7.7 131 posts [view]
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