[Title] => The Polar Express
[Year] => 2004
[Rated] => N/A
[Released] => 12 Nov 2004
[Runtime] => N/A
[Genre] => Animation
[Director] => Douglas Carrigan
[Writer] => N/A
[Actors] => Jim Hanks, Daryl Sabara, Nona Gaye, Chantel Valdivieso
[Plot] => A young boy, whose faith in Santa Claus is waivering, awakes Christmas Eve to the sounds of The Polar Express...
[Language] => English
[Country] => USA
[Awards] => N/A
[Poster] => N/A
[Ratings] => Array
[0] => Array
[Source] => Internet Movie Database
[Value] => 7.7/10
[Metascore] => N/A
[imdbRating] => 7.7
[imdbVotes] => 98
[imdbID] => tt0433622
[Type] => game
[DVD] => N/A
[BoxOffice] => N/A
[Production] => N/A
[Website] => N/A
[Response] => True
INSERT INTO movies (imdbid, title, tagline, directors, actors, genre, rating, poster_url, base_url, plot, runtime, wna_date, hires_poster_url, screen_type, language, country, dvd_release)
VALUES ('0433622', 'The Polar Express', '', 'Douglas Carrigan',
'Jim Hanks, Daryl Sabara, Nona Gaye, Chantel Valdivieso', 'Animation', '7.7', 'N/A',
'', 'A young boy, whose faith in Santa Claus is waivering, awakes Christmas Eve to the sounds of The Polar Express...', '', '2025-01-27 02:26:42',
'N/A', '0', 'English', 'USA',
'1969-12-31 19:00:00')Error executing query: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'runtime' at row 1