Moonlight - DVDRIP - OPiUM
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     Title       : Moonlight                  Release Date : 02/05/2003           
     Type        : SVCD                       Genre        : Thriller      
   Claire leads an idyllic suburban life. One day a mysterious young man enters her world. 
   She's looking for adventure. He's looking for an escape. 
   They team up and live their lives in the fast lane on the run.
   480x576 2271 25.00 
   Chapters and original(still) menu included aswell.
   Check our contact information if you want to contribute as well.
                            [ CONTACT INFORMATION ] 
  We are curently looking for people that can help us with the following !      
  - Work at a cinema/theatre, have access to the projection booth,  
    and are able to make analog/digital recordings.
  - Live in asia, have access to new silver vcd/dvd movies 
    with decent upload speed !
  - Can get ahold of workprints/screeners/dvd retail/dvd screeners, etc 
  - If u can get new-unreleased Games/Console/Utils , or Work in one  of 
    These stores/places : Baggages, Electronics Boutique, FuncoLand, Media Play, 
    Software Etc, GameStop, Baggage's, magazine, warehouse, publisher,
    duplicator,  distributor, game press/marketing company,     
    courier delivery firm, tv/radio show, language translator company.
  - contact us @ email : [email protected]