Soul Suvivor - DVDRIP - DrS
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		       ....                              ...
		   .xH888888Hx.                      .x888888hx    :
		 .HX8I8B8U8C8S88:       .u    .     d88888888888hxx
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		 !   "*888888888"        "Y"        '%8888888888*"
		        ^"***"`                        ^"****""`
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                              DrS Presents                                 8
  8                                                                           8
  8                         Soul Survivors    - DVD-R                         8
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
   8888888888                         8                             8888888888
  8 Release Date: 23/02/02            8 Audio:          DD5.1                 8
  8                                   8                                       8
  8 Packager:  DrS Crew               8 Format:         Prassi Image          8
  8                                   8                                       8
  8 Type:      DVDR NTSC (720x480)    8 RAR Count:      86x48  Drs-soul.rar   8
  8                                   8                                       8
  8 Source:    DVD Retail             8 Genre:          Horror/Thriller       8
  8                                   8                                       8
  8 Ripper:    stunty                 8 Rel: Soul.Survivors.Internal.DVDR-DrS 8
  8                                   8                                       8
  8 Language:  English                8 IMDB: 8
  8                                   8                                       8
   8888888888                         8                             8888888888
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                            Movie Summary:                                 8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
  8 College freshman Cassandra "Cassie" (Melissa Sagemiller) steps into a     8
  8 nightmare of otherworldly visitations after surviving a devastating car   8
  8 accident. Haunted by a grim reaper of a far different kind, her only hope 8
  8 is to cling to chance encounters with her lost love Sean (Casey Affleck)  8
  8 and the aid of a mysterious young priest named Father Jude (Luke Wilson). 8
  8 It is the spirit of Sean, her soul mate, who guides her to love, but it   8
  8 is her friends Matt (Wes Bentley), Annabel (Eliza Dushku) and Annabel's   8
  8 morose friend Raven (Angela Featherstone) who try to draw her to the      8
  8 dark side.                                                                8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                            Cast Overview:                                 8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
  8              Melissa Sagemiller   ....  Cassie                            8
  8              Wes Bentley          ....  Matt                              8
  8              Casey Affleck        ....  Sean                              8
  8              Eliza Dushku         ....  Annabel                           8
  8              Angela Featherstone  ....  Raven                             8
  8              Luke Wilson          ....  Jude                              8
  8              Allen Hamilton       ....  Dr. Haverston                     8
  8              Ken Moreno           ....  Hideous Dancer                    8
  8              Carl Paoli           ....  Deathmask                         8
  8              Barbara E. Robertson ....  Margaret                          8
  8              Richard Pickren      ....  Ben                               8
  8              Candace Kroslak      ....  Cool Blond                        8
  8              Ryan Kitley          ....  Young Cop                         8
  8              Rick Snyder          ....  Father McManus                    8
  8              Danny Goldberg (II)  ....  Campus Cop                        8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                            Release Notes:                                 8
  8                                                                           8
  8                  Internal Release With English DD5.1                      8
  8                                                                           8
  8  This is low rated on Imdb but we had that many reqs for it, we will be   8
  8  changing our Outlook to DvD-r so look in the next nfo for details as a   8
  8  few changes take place,                                                  8
  8                                                                           8
  8   At least our do work hey mr boo!                                        8
  8                                                                           8
  8                    Region & Macro Free Multi Play                         8
  8                                                                           8
  8                                                                           8
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                               Contact:                                    8
  8                                                                           8
  8                        IRC....: #drsdvd                                   8
  8                        WWW....: N/A                                       8
  8                        EMAIL..: [email protected]                        8
  8                                                                           8
  8                    We are currently looking for:                          8
  8                                                                           8
  8                 þ Suppliers of            -Screeners                      8
  8                                           -TeleCines                      8
  8                                           -TeleSyncs                      8
  8                                           -WorkPrints                     8
  8                                           -DVDs                           8
  8                 þ We Do not require Currys                                8
  8                                                                           8
  8                 þ Fast Dumps (100mbit+)   Archive                         8
  8                                                                           8
  8                 þ Hardware Suppliers                                      8
  8                                                                           8
  8                 þ Legit Shell Suppliers                                   8
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
   8888888888                                                       8888888888
  8                             Greets fly out to:                            8
  8                                                                           8
   8                                                                         8