Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets *Proper* *XviD* - DVDRIP - DVL
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           Digital Video Labs
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                      ßß         ±±±±°        ±°°±°      Proudly Presents...
                                °    °°      °   °
  ÛÛ²±° ° [Release Info] °  °                                      °  ° °±²ÛÛ
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û    Harry.Potter.And.The.Chamber.Of.Secrets.PROPER.WS.DVDRip.XViD-DVL    Û
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û²±° °  °°   °                                                    °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Release Date:     02/08/03        Video Bitrate:    828+kbit XViD      ±
  °  DVD Retail Date:  04/11/03        Audio Quality:    384kbit 5.1ch AC3
     Film Genre:       fantasy/mystery Video Resolution: 608x256            °
     MPEG4 Codec Type: xvid            Release Size:     2x(50x15mb)
  °  DVD Runtime:      161mins         Video Framerate:  23.976fps
     IMDB Rating:      7.4/10          Subtitles:        eng/french/spanish
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Theatre Date] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Theatre date: november 17th 2002 (3682 screens)                        ±
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  [Plot Summary] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Harry ignores warnings not to return to Hogwarts, only to find the
     school plagued by a series of mysterious attacks and a strange voice
     haunting him.                                                          ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°  ° [Cast] °  °                                               °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Daniel Radcliffe ....  Harry Potter
     Emma Watson (II) ....  Hermione Granger
     Rupert Grint ....  Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
     Richard Griffiths (I) ....  Uncle Vernon Dursley
     Fiona Shaw ....  Aunt Petunia Evans Dursley
  ±  http://us.imdb.com/Title?0295297                                       ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Additional Info] °                                       °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  bow's divx was created by re-encoding TCF's svcd or using the severely
     downsampled dvdr (41%+, 7.2GB source) which resulted in their crap
     quality (for such a high bitrate). they didn't even include subs or
     ac3 because they rushed to beat us and since no sites nuked their rip,
     we're forced to present you with our so-called proper which is ripped
     direct from the original dvd with subs and 5.1ch ac3 in comparable if
     not "superior" quality. although their rip followed the majority of
     tdx standards, this release is our first step in making those rules a
     bit more harsh and preventing the use of downsampled dvdr's as a
     source and also to include subs when available, etc. the scene should
     incorporate these rules so end-users wont have to suffer with inferior
     releases, divx was created with optimal quality in mind and it should
     remain that way. surprisingly, the members of bow are siteops of a
     respected scene site (not to mention members of deviance) so why act
     like homos? you bitch at other groups for stealing deviance cracks but
     you steal downsampled dvdr's to supply your no name group? (just like
     you did with our lotr from last year). qix should also rename
     themselves to SQiX (ShitQualityDivX) with the amount of downsampled
     dvdr's they use). anyways, enjoy the REAL widescreen retail 2 months
     in advance! we weren't going to release this publicly but fuck it, if
     you don't give a shit about quality standards then nuke the fuck out
     of our proper... we dont mind losing the race to groups with their
     own source (thank god for dcn/vite) but it does bug us when homo's
     use our downsampled releases, and to make matters worse-without
     giving proper credit to the group they whored the release from.
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] °                                            °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±   group news... what news? a better question... what group? we don't
      exist so therefore you can not contact us, if we need you... we'll
      contact you :)
      irc: #none  contact: [email protected]
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  °[GREETS]°                                                °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ± we want to send a very special thanks to our partners in c***e at TCF!! ±
  ° BooZerS * MaST3rS * ESOTERiC * FFN * AI * ANiMOTiON * pHASE * DcN * UTi °
  Û                                                                         ²
  ÛÛ²±°° °  °                                                      °   ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±                                                                         ±
  °                                                                         °