How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days *SVCD* *iNTERNAL* - TELESYNC - REGiME
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     ___          ___          ___                     ___          ___     
    /  /\        /  /\        /  /\       ___         /__/\        /  /\    
   /  /::\      /  /:/_      /  /:/_     /  /\       |  |::\      /  /:/_   
  /  /:/\:\    /  /:/ /\    /  /:/ /\   /  /:/       |  |:|:\    /  /:/ /\  
 /  /:/~/:/   /  /:/ /:/_  /  /:/_/::\ /__/::\     __|__|:|\:\  /  /:/ /:/_ 
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  \  \:\       \  \:\/:/    \  \:\/:/      /__/:/   \  \:\       \  \:\/:/  
   \  \:\       \  \::/      \  \::/       \__\/     \  \:\       \  \::/   
    \__\/        \__\/        \__\/                   \__\/        \__\/    
	บ                                                         บ
	บ  How.To.Lose.A.Guy.In.10.Days.TS.iNTERNAL.SVCD-REGiME   บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ     -Release Date....: 02.16.2003                       บ
	บ     -Theather Date...: 02.07.2003                       บ
	บ     -DVD Date........: unknown                          บ
	บ     -IMDB Rating.....: awaiting 5 votes.                บ
	บ     -IMDB urL........: บ
	บ     -RUNTiME.........: 116mins                          บ
	บ     -Rating..........: PG-13                            บ
	บ     -FORMAT..........: NSTC SVCD Telesync               บ
	บ     -Resolution......: 480X480(WS) 1732 VBR             บ
	บ     -Disc Size.......: CD1: 57/15 | CD2 57/15           บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ  Benjamin Barry is an advertising executive and ladies  บ
	บ  man who, to win a big campaign, bets that he can make  บ
	บ  a woman fall in love with him in 10 days.              บ
	บ  Andie Anderson covers the "How To" beat for            บ
	บ  "Composure" magazine and is assigned to write an       บ
	บ  article on "How to Lose a Guy in 10 days." They meet   บ
	บ  in a bar shortly after the bet is made.                บ
	บ                                                         บ
	ฬ[RELEASE INFO]อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออน
	บ                                                         บ
	บ   We are currently trying out some new cameras  working บ
	บ   on light's and all that good stuff trying to find the บ
	บ   best for our Homemade TS's. This is our newest work.  บ
	บ   This TS is Flicker free with Great Lighting and good  บ
	บ   camming. We encoded /SVCD to see what we could do withบ
	บ   our TS's in SVCD. This is noway a proper of that greatบ
	บ   TS That CTP Put together. Props to CTP for that.      บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ   On another note rSE has been on a ranting rage lately บ
	บ   rse you guys have no respect dissing groups in nfo's  บ
	บ   was weak. We all know the scene is driven on respect  บ
	บ   no need to bash and tell groups to die etc. Have some บ
	บ for other groups if your going to proper give reason andบ
	บ   be done with it. Now we are a new group. but the more บ
	บ   the merrier right? You guys were new at once correct? บ
	บ   > expect to make mistakes for we are only human right?บ
	บ                                                         บ
	ฬ[GROUP INFO]อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออน
	บ                                                         บ
	บ If you have anything to offer REGiME:                   บ
	บ 1) TS/PREDVD/Silvers/Screeners/TC                       บ
	บ 2) 45Mbit+ *nix boxes for exclusive REGiME usage        บ
	บ 3) 100Mbit+ Affils (EU/US)                              บ
	บ 4) Anything else we might need                          บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ E-Mail...: [email protected]                        บ
	บ IRC......: n/a                                          บ
	บ WWW .....: n/a                                          บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ                                                         บ
	บ     Whoever acutally does somthing in the scene ;)      บ
	บ                                                         บ